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This post has been edited 2 times, last edit by "Unq_swag" (Apr 2nd 2014, 3:49pm)
on old patch u had to upgrade 3 glyphs on each gear with 3-5% each (fabled) for 150g each + so theres slightly no difference upgrading 1 piece of gear now, each 20 bg emblems u get 450g and gb one costs 80 emblems while u get 1800g so theres no difference again + you also get amalgam from bgs..on the earning gold part I kinda agree tho since I still havent found any good gold earning method except farming bgs/gbWhy is gb reward ex/gold gives X4 times more things then PVP??
Come onn this is soo dumb we are suppose to get good reward from pvp.I understand it is allods unique entertaining thing but majority of people would be looking forward to pvp more then gb.
Please, is there any possible way to get higher rewards in pvp?
I personally don't like gb(really bad at it) but i have to do it nether-way to get some gold(And yes when i queue up for gb i lose like 70% of time 50%of which due to me suxing and 20% on other players how are bad as me I do feel sorry for other player who are good at it ) .
As you guys may know in this patch earning gold is needed more then ever cause upgrading gear is ridiculous 400g+ (7.5%)??
In last-patch it was deadeasy to earn gold just needed to spam doing basic astral which took 30mins each to complete the run we earned like 300g-700g each run from basic astral run which was roughly 6kg-14kg per week with 20 astral keys.
And dam allod got bad customer support its has been two weeks since i summited mine ticket and yet no responce this makes me really sad
Any1 knows good farming ways other then grinding mobs/gb/pvp?? this patch i dont know why i feel like earning gold is pain. Do you guys feel the same
This are the things i wanted to point out
Excuse_my grammar if its bad....
Thank you.
This post has been edited 1 times, last edit by "Luka" (Apr 3rd 2014, 9:39am)