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Tuesday, September 6th 2016, 10:33pm

The situation in F2P server


Firstly, keep your feedback civil. It's not difficult. Attacking the
company or fellow players/posters is neither informative nor welcome on
this forum. Shouting from the rooftops in a negative manner is a sure
fire way of ensuring your post(s) do not reach the eyes/ears of the
people you actually want reading/hearing it, so please avoid doing so
for everyone's sake.

Other notes:

  • We're a much, much smaller team over here compared to RU.
  • We
    do not have the same site or web functionality as they do (hence some
    news isn't as 'fancy' and things such as PvP rankings are handled manually). This is likely to change in the future on our road to being closer to the source. On that note...
  • We are slowly but surely catching up to RU patch-wise despite limitations, which is only a good thing.
  • We continue to provide (free!) incentives to get items from the item shop without needing to spend any kind of real money.
  • Some have noticed that the prizes to certain contests lately have actually gotten a lot bigger, eg. Task Force & CoE being just two examples.
  • Following
    from the above, future benefits such as trial subscriptions and other
    nice benefits are in the works, but given we've had a major expansion, a
    followup season and a new update on the horizon, such things
    regrettably take a backseat to core content.
A lot more can
be said, though those are just some of the basics. They are not here to
counter the criticisms supplied - just food for thought.



This is a discussion topic so rather than trying to tear each other necks out post feedback about allods(positive or negative).

So here is my opinion on the situation.
1) At the moment allods is not one of the games i enjoy playing but i keep on doing it cos friends play it.
2) (free!) incentives to get items from the item shop without needing to spend any kind of real money.
This statement is invalid Mhul sorry. Even if you give players incentives like crystal chips,holy weapons free mounts etc unless they play at least 10 hours or use real money they wont be able to do anything in the game.
3) Weekly sales dont help the new players to catch up especially with the crazy inflation.Sure ytou want to help them but honestly have u ever logged ingame to check auction house prices?
4) Pvp is unbalanced at the moment. Summies,Paladins and mages kill youbefore you can even say your full name
5) All these bother people but what bothers me mostly is you and i use you because i can't contact russians, did exploit the cash shop on the only way that it made the game more fair.And this is Gearing.If someone has enough money to use he can single handly get the gear other people strived for a month in 2 days.
6) Carrying people to raids. One of the reasons the above reason is mentioned.
7) International server feels like the holy cow that gives money to so they can keep the russian servers up. And the reason is that intentionally in my opinion ALL events that gave something for low cost on players were skipped. Anniversary lion,Lottery where for 10 crystals you could get a top cash shop item.Even the compasses from prophetic cards that russians get from battlegrounds or astral and we have to pay for.

Sorry for the long post but this is my thoughts on the current situation of the International server.
Keep calm and pvp hard :thumbsup: 8)

This post has been edited 1 times, last edit by "Gladia" (Sep 7th 2016, 12:15pm) with the following reason: quoting Mhuldoon message for a better understanding


Wednesday, September 7th 2016, 12:00pm


Wednesday, September 7th 2016, 1:57pm

7) International server feels like the holy cow that gives money to so they can keep the russian servers up.


It's the Russian servers that keep the International up. If there was no huge market for the game in CIS countries, there would not be enough money to fund the game's development and it would have closed down years ago.


Wednesday, September 7th 2016, 10:20pm

7) International server feels like the holy cow that gives money to so they can keep the russian servers up.


It's the Russian servers that keep the International up. If there was no huge market for the game in CIS countries, there would not be enough money to fund the game's development and it would have closed down years ago.

No you go this tottally wrong.Allods franchise was bought by the respective gpoato companies of eu and na and other companies of respective servers.Then when na and eu server merged around march of 2015 sold the franchise to Webzen.After Webzen failed to meet the standards of allods who took the management of the international server? the company that makes allods. So what you say is not right if you do not see the whole picture.Trust me i played this game since February 2009 on closed beta. :)
Keep calm and pvp hard :thumbsup: 8)

This post has been edited 1 times, last edit by "Gladia" (Sep 7th 2016, 10:26pm) with the following reason: double quote


Wednesday, September 7th 2016, 10:35pm


No you go this tottally wrong.Allods franchise was bought by the respective gpoato companies of eu and na and other companies of respective servers.Then when na and eu server merged around march of 2015 sold the franchise to Webzen.After Webzen failed to meet the standards of allods who took the management of the international server? the company that makes allods. So what you say is not right if you do not see the whole picture.Trust me i played this game since February 2009 on closed beta. :)

Allods Online was distributed by GalaNetworks/gPotato from late 2009 to 2014. Webzen bought gPotato in 2013. never sold the franchise to Webzen. Webzen had Allods Online to its game catalog because it was a gPotato game.
Allods Online is a game since march 2014. It's been 2 years now that EU, NA, and several other servers merged into 2 servers, one F2P, and one P2P.

Allods Online closed beta started on EU/NA on november 2009.…tato-eu/0138426
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This post has been edited 1 times, last edit by "Gladia" (Sep 7th 2016, 10:41pm)


Wednesday, September 7th 2016, 11:01pm


No you go this tottally wrong.Allods franchise was bought by the respective gpoato companies of eu and na and other companies of respective servers.Then when na and eu server merged around march of 2015 sold the franchise to Webzen.After Webzen failed to meet the standards of allods who took the management of the international server? the company that makes allods. So what you say is not right if you do not see the whole picture.Trust me i played this game since February 2009 on closed beta. :)

Allods Online was distributed by GalaNetworks/gPotato from late 2009 to 2014. Webzen bought gPotato in 2013. never sold the franchise to Webzen. Webzen had Allods Online to its game catalog because it was a gPotato game.
Allods Online is a game since march 2014. It's been 2 years now that EU, NA, and several other servers merged into 2 servers, one F2P, and one P2P.

Allods Online closed beta started on EU/NA on november 2009.…tato-eu/0138426
My bad for poor english skills Gladia i meant they gave the rights to distribute the game to other companies.My brain just did a google translation ?(
Keep calm and pvp hard :thumbsup: 8)


Friday, September 9th 2016, 6:45pm

oh and btw, whenever there is a thread like this in which people say why they are upset with this game (cash shop ofc) a moderator comes, says a few pointless words, then closes the thread.

I beg a member of to please tell us why the prices of the cash shop are so high! Is anyone forcing you to do so? Or are you a completely deaf company who doesn't care for their players?

I want an answer, please! I think that all of us want it. It's been years and everybody has been complaining but it seems like you don't care. So what is the reason?


Saturday, September 10th 2016, 3:11am



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One thing made me curious is 2nd part of point 7)


ALL events that gave something for low cost on players were skipped. Anniversary lion,Lottery where for 10 crystals you could get a top cash shop item.Even the compasses from prophetic cards that russians get from battlegrounds or astral and we have to pay for.

if these things exist on RU server, why don't we get them ?
For the most recent event, why do we need to pay for compasses when the letter itself we get ingame states we can earn compasses in BG ?

This post has been edited 1 times, last edit by "Pochtron" (Sep 10th 2016, 3:17am)


Saturday, September 10th 2016, 8:28am



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The lottery is an old issue which is against EU's gambling laws and thus prohibited from us.

I don't understand the Golden Age anniversary lion either. Why it wasn't given to us as well a year later as it was the 5th anniversary price in RU, if I'm not mistaken. And it should have been available with Anniversary coins from the npc that sells astral mount skins.

The letter has puzzled everyone for few years now as it has never worked for us. No clue why. Maybe against some stupid EU law again.


I beg a member of to please tell us why the prices of the cash shop are so high! Is anyone forcing you to do so? Or are you a completely deaf company who doesn't care for their players?
I don't remember in which thread it was told and it has been quite some time already. Anyway, back then the official answer was something about staff's salary prices and other costs are much higher in EU than they are in RU and thus the Item Shop prices are a lot higher in EN server.
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This post has been edited 1 times, last edit by "Gwiniel" (Sep 10th 2016, 8:37am)


Saturday, September 10th 2016, 1:30pm

I don't remember in which thread it was told and it has been quite some time already. Anyway, back then the official answer was something about staff's salary prices and other costs are much higher in EU than they are in RU and thus the Item Shop prices are a lot higher in EN server.
Is this for real? The game is suffering from low population because of differing salary prices?

Less CS prices = More people = More people buying items = More money

This concept seems to elude people, especially staff.


Saturday, September 10th 2016, 2:02pm



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Just for the lulz, I opened a ticket for the compasses. Number is ZPT-771-73673 if any admin wants to follow it up.


Saturday, September 10th 2016, 6:39pm

I don't remember in which thread it was told and it has been quite some time already. Anyway, back then the official answer was something about staff's salary prices and other costs are much higher in EU than they are in RU and thus the Item Shop prices are a lot higher in EN server.

It could be, but I don't believe it. Maybe after they launch Revelation Online, they will change the cs prices, 'cause it's a pretty hyped game, so they shall get a lot of income. If they don't, then :thumbdown:


Monday, September 12th 2016, 12:41pm



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Just for the lulz, I opened a ticket for the compasses. Number is ZPT-771-73673 if any admin wants to follow it up.

Answer from support today :

"Dear Player,

Thank you for contacting us and taking the time to submit this report.

We are happy to inform you that we are aware of this issue and our development team is already looking into it.
Unfortunately, the fix will be ready after event finishing.
Due to this bug we decided to compensate 132 Ancient Compass (the maximum amount which you would get by completing the quests).
We apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused and appreciate your understanding.
Please feel free to contact us if you have any further questions.

Have a great day!"

Sometimes Allods just surprises you :)


Monday, September 12th 2016, 1:06pm



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omg yes! what a surprise! ^^
do you know if you'll be the only one getting the compasses or all of us will? and do we have a chance to receive those compasses before the event ends? because not to be mean but as it took a lot of time for us to get our reward from taskforce event... you know what i mean ;p


Monday, September 12th 2016, 1:43pm



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I already have them in my bag - it's because I noticed them and didn't remember buying any that I checked the ticket. I don't have more info than what is said in the support answer, but I guess since I opened it for myself the compensation has only been sent to me.


Monday, September 12th 2016, 5:23pm



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can we please get an official info regarding that? Can we expect to receive these 132 compass in the next fews days or was it only for Pochtron (would be quite unfair thought imo)


Monday, September 12th 2016, 9:08pm



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prolly no official answer u wanna hear will ever come, since this was surely a mistake by support its quite fair that noone except poch will get this compasses

this is trollods!

poch whats ur avatar from, reminds me on 4kwarhammer?
PLS make Tekians playable race. fix shipcanons!


Monday, September 12th 2016, 10:00pm



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Nah it's a pic from Delicatessen, french movie, not warhammer related at all :)


Sunday, January 1st 2017, 1:28pm

SO , it would have some population :))

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