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Saturday, April 5th 2014, 1:41am

[Interface] Cashshop

Upgrade => Améliorations
Currency => Devises
Purifying scroll => Purification
Helpers => Assistants
Quests => Quêtes
June Catacomb => Labyrinthe
Character => Personnage
Guilds => Guilde

Bank and bags => Banque et sac

Mounts => Montures
Mount Supplies => Nourriture Accessoire
Ships => Navire
Color Patterns => Couleur de robe

Fireworks => Feu d'artifice
Markers => Marqueur
Weedding => Mariage

PS: Le bouton AIDE renvois chez gpotato =P
Lysonia - Requiem, guilde Française - Empire (Evolution)

This post has been edited 2 times, last edit by "Klarisse" (Apr 5th 2014, 8:48am)

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