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This post has been edited 1 times, last edit by "ALLODS-ONLINE-PLAYER" (Feb 2nd 2017, 6:07pm)
Nice tips, thanks! I'm looking forward to leaving Dane.ferris questing was awful because it was over so fast (due to partial relases)
danne questing was relatively hard (strong mobs & new mechancis for all classes), no automove for long time
ammer questing is easier thandane, a LOT (no automove still makes things ucomfortable)
so yes it will be easier / better
if you still lack exp you can do astralisls before reaching level 75, you will start gearing and reach full 75 while doing it without further ado
dirct drops items = random, can NOT be changed (but easy replaced)
items to upgrade at anvil = random, CAN be changed, but need to reach 100% off+def (item to change = insignia of off / def from distortion; can also buy at BG rwad NPC or buy 30day infinite insignia from itemshop or get from raid)