Counterblow is not effctive for PvP if your enemy has focus, cause the Pala is seldomly a focus target.
Then you need Blind on Max vs Warriorss and co and you need the Silence vs Casters.
I took 2nd live and Departing for the Def, cause you are dependent from heal and the extra amount of energy helps a lot.
With the Tank gear, your most effective when theres aoe and your Deter goes up, but then your very dependent from heal xD
Revenge is not that effective anymore, cause of 5 min cd, but when one of your teammates dies in domi, theres a pretty high chance you kill a enemy with the brutal bonus dmg, so its equal again. (about 80-120k Bonus Divine dmg) And ofc Faith healing is a must have!
I highly recommend to play with warden inca for Balance.
Balance + Double Heal + Prayer + Particle + Balm , ... is a nice defense support vs focus and burst. Thats where you are superior to warriors.
This build your a smooth melee. You have most dmg, High dmg spikes with Pious + Righteous, you have 3 CC´s (Autodave , Blind , Silence) and some nice durabiliy and team support.
Have fun a trying and good luck.