how big is the difference of your gear / dragonrelics (these give so much more HP now) and cs items compared to the mage that oneshotted you?
are you about equal? large pots and alchemy also will make a huge difference, but i guess since you have greatness you know the game already...
the best thing about summy is, that even IF we die, the dot will remain
so eventually after beeing dead all the "xy has been killed" messages appear
i know that mages can do massive dmg now and with lower HP its even more lethal now, but thats not a specific problem of the summoners
summoners can at least use ghost world cover and have 2nd life
i stay with my opinion that healer and summoner in FH spec are, if equal gear and skill, cannot be killed, but can kill the attacker if he is without selfheal
also, i have no problem if you laugh about me or my posts, i feel no need to prove myself to you at all
if you ar not a flamer and a peaceful guy i like that
ofc if you fight a potent warrior which is skilled its a matter of one error, but this one mistake is lethal in high end-pvp with any class
stunlock and death are the result
and fighting alone agains 2 is never a good situation
but the same goes for melee scout, psionicist is also bursting everyone to death after contact and so on
while if summy applies fear, vamp, death howl and all the other nice stuff its basically the same
again, i accept that mages are very potent concerning damage; but it definitely IS possible to win against them, in the worst case, if the enemy is superior, you still can hit and run, since one time neurotoxin+ fever WILL to thir job very well... (however this is only for battleground and not for arena)
for wardens puting the pet into ghost world works well for me most times
bards strongest dmg is the burstdmg from solo, thats the countless disharmonys, thats THE moment for ghost cover, and take pet with you or it die...
caster healer is not the big problem, FH is worse here, if he has some attacks too, since he wont die
also he will be abl to keep ALL others alive since we do slow dmg that is relatively easy to outheal, especially now that VI is not triggering DOT any longer
psi is dangerous for every class if in DPS spec, even worse than mage, as soon as you are "twinned" its over theoretically
(holy)paladin got a big nerf, scouts a buff since they cant miss any longer... but not relevant for us, scout is easy kill without selfheal
engineer is the worst class? i agree TOTALLY...
oneshot is an interesting thing, i noticed it too, thats the new stat system...
but its does not only affect summys, in fact it affects all classes that are a bit undergeared and are not tank or fullheal...
well its 2 or 3 shot most times but yeah
to sum it up at least i am happy with my summy, i enjoy it really, and again, even IF i die, as long as everybody has my dot on him its easy to be top dps