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Wednesday, April 16th 2014, 3:28am

Exp on f2p server

How's the exp balance on f2p server? Can we level freely or we still have to buy tomes or wait for bonus exp?


Wednesday, April 16th 2014, 8:34am



Posts: 217

Location: US

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its the same as its always been you quest to get exp or kill mobs for exp. you can buy tomes for move exp pre quest. Then you got lucky moments that give you exp as well.
Jinxed-level 60


Wednesday, April 16th 2014, 8:44am

I think he meant if you can level from 1 to 60 whitout using exp tomes or relying on Lucky Moments.
The truth is, you'll have to grind a lot if you don't use exp tomes. I don't remember the levels exactly, but you have to grind in Coba Plateau for sure, probably around lvl 40, and from lvl 58 to 60. Maybe some other levels, but I don't remember them exactly.
You can play Goblinbal and get the Exp Tokens from there, and that will ease your leveling a lot. I suggest doing goblinball whenever you can while leveling, not only when you're out of quests, but only use the exp tokens when you're out of quests. The higher your level, the more the Exp you get from them.


Wednesday, April 16th 2014, 11:48am

Thanks for the replies, i haven't played for an while and i remember i had to always buy a tome of exp to lvl or wait for the next day for the daily bonus exp. They could change this tho, but thanks anyways for the answers!


Wednesday, April 16th 2014, 11:52am

If you start doing Goblinball at level 23, give it some time to learn how to play, and just do it occasionally, when you feel like it, you will never have to grind for exp. You can just buy exp tokens from the giblinball trainer in the capital, and they are massively rewarding, but have 45 minutes cooldown. You can easily get 2 tokens a day and you won't have to grind for exp until lvl 59.
Colin Quinn Recipe for success/dinner. 1/2 cup of brass you know whats, a tablespoon of I don't give a care, and a pound of get off my back, jack!


Wednesday, April 16th 2014, 12:06pm



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sry for asking,but 150k exp are like 300gpots,sure u can do goblinball but then u need like 3weeks to lvl up till 60...anyway,i guess the whole point of this thread is u dont wanna spend money on this game,i assume that u dont wanna be normal,or casual player...since u have to pay like at least 1000$ to be casual,or like 4000$ to be competitive(if u start play today from zero),and if u already pay that kind of money why u just not buy codex,price is simbolic..


Wednesday, April 16th 2014, 9:41pm



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I cant stand the fact that mobs 3 and 4 levels higher than you only give around 10 to 20 more exp per kill. Its garbage I say!!!!!



Wednesday, April 16th 2014, 10:20pm

sry for asking,but 150k exp are like 300gpots,sure u can do goblinball but then u need like 3weeks to lvl up till 60...anyway,i guess the whole point of this thread is u dont wanna spend money on this game,i assume that u dont wanna be normal,or casual player...since u have to pay like at least 1000$ to be casual,or like 4000$ to be competitive(if u start play today from zero),and if u already pay that kind of money why u just not buy codex,price is simbolic..

Goblinball exp doesn't scale too good. At ~lvl30, one GB exp token is ~20% exp, but at 59 it is only ~5%, but if you start popping them at lvl 23, you won't fall behind with the exp, on the contrary - you will pull ahead, and should reach Umoir easily at level 56 or 57, leaving you enough exp to level easily to 60 without long, tedious grind.
Colin Quinn Recipe for success/dinner. 1/2 cup of brass you know whats, a tablespoon of I don't give a care, and a pound of get off my back, jack!


Thursday, April 17th 2014, 3:20pm

sry for asking,but 150k exp are like 300gpots,sure u can do goblinball but then u need like 3weeks to lvl up till 60...anyway,i guess the whole point of this thread is u dont wanna spend money on this game,i assume that u dont wanna be normal,or casual player...since u have to pay like at least 1000$ to be casual,or like 4000$ to be competitive(if u start play today from zero),and if u already pay that kind of money why u just not buy codex,price is simbolic..

total bs, i never spent a dime and do fine, way better than casual

goes for a lotta people


Thursday, April 17th 2014, 3:35pm

You dont have that daily bonus XP anymore now u can gain the same amount no matter how much XP you gain in a day.


Thursday, April 17th 2014, 6:59pm



Posts: 104

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sry for asking,but 150k exp are like 300gpots,sure u can do goblinball but then u need like 3weeks to lvl up till 60...anyway,i guess the whole point of this thread is u dont wanna spend money on this game,i assume that u dont wanna be normal,or casual player...since u have to pay like at least 1000$ to be casual,or like 4000$ to be competitive(if u start play today from zero),and if u already pay that kind of money why u just not buy codex,price is simbolic..

total bs, i never spent a dime and do fine, way better than casual

goes for a lotta people
wTF are u talking about ,I SAID-'(if u start play today from zero)'
LEARN TO READ.playing for 2 years in f2p mode-never spend a peny and just grind and grind for 2 years doesn't count..WHO WANTS to play 2 years just to catch others... :thumbdown:
also i doubt that anyone can catch up others now in f2p mode ever,considering this price of cc,upgrade gear, and upgrade glyph now....


Friday, April 18th 2014, 1:18pm

sry for asking,but 150k exp are like 300gpots,sure u can do goblinball but then u need like 3weeks to lvl up till 60...anyway,i guess the whole point of this thread is u dont wanna spend money on this game,i assume that u dont wanna be normal,or casual player...since u have to pay like at least 1000$ to be casual,or like 4000$ to be competitive(if u start play today from zero),and if u already pay that kind of money why u just not buy codex,price is simbolic..

total bs, i never spent a dime and do fine, way better than casual

goes for a lotta people
wTF are u talking about ,I SAID-'(if u start play today from zero)'
LEARN TO READ.playing for 2 years in f2p mode-never spend a peny and just grind and grind for 2 years doesn't count..WHO WANTS to play 2 years just to catch others... :thumbdown:
also i doubt that anyone can catch up others now in f2p mode ever,considering this price of cc,upgrade gear, and upgrade glyph now....
Ah ur 1 of those folks, nvm then, no point talking to u

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