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sry for asking,but 150k exp are like 300gpots,sure u can do goblinball but then u need like 3weeks to lvl up till 60...anyway,i guess the whole point of this thread is u dont wanna spend money on this game,i assume that u dont wanna be normal,or casual player...since u have to pay like at least 1000$ to be casual,or like 4000$ to be competitive(if u start play today from zero),and if u already pay that kind of money why u just not buy codex,price is simbolic..
sry for asking,but 150k exp are like 300gpots,sure u can do goblinball but then u need like 3weeks to lvl up till 60...anyway,i guess the whole point of this thread is u dont wanna spend money on this game,i assume that u dont wanna be normal,or casual player...since u have to pay like at least 1000$ to be casual,or like 4000$ to be competitive(if u start play today from zero),and if u already pay that kind of money why u just not buy codex,price is simbolic..
wTF are u talking about ,I SAID-'(if u start play today from zero)'sry for asking,but 150k exp are like 300gpots,sure u can do goblinball but then u need like 3weeks to lvl up till 60...anyway,i guess the whole point of this thread is u dont wanna spend money on this game,i assume that u dont wanna be normal,or casual player...since u have to pay like at least 1000$ to be casual,or like 4000$ to be competitive(if u start play today from zero),and if u already pay that kind of money why u just not buy codex,price is simbolic..
total bs, i never spent a dime and do fine, way better than casual
goes for a lotta people
Ah ur 1 of those folks, nvm then, no point talking to uwTF are u talking about ,I SAID-'(if u start play today from zero)'sry for asking,but 150k exp are like 300gpots,sure u can do goblinball but then u need like 3weeks to lvl up till 60...anyway,i guess the whole point of this thread is u dont wanna spend money on this game,i assume that u dont wanna be normal,or casual player...since u have to pay like at least 1000$ to be casual,or like 4000$ to be competitive(if u start play today from zero),and if u already pay that kind of money why u just not buy codex,price is simbolic..
total bs, i never spent a dime and do fine, way better than casual
goes for a lotta people
LEARN TO READ.playing for 2 years in f2p mode-never spend a peny and just grind and grind for 2 years doesn't count..WHO WANTS to play 2 years just to catch others...
also i doubt that anyone can catch up others now in f2p mode ever,considering this price of cc,upgrade gear, and upgrade glyph now....