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Location: New York, NY
Occupation: Software Developer, Allods Online Moderator, Cloud Pirates Moderator
This post has been edited 1 times, last edit by "stevenmdr" (Mar 20th 2017, 5:56pm)
This post has been edited 2 times, last edit by "ALLODS-ONLINE-PLAYER" (Apr 5th 2017, 1:39pm)
This post has been edited 1 times, last edit by "tpb112793" (Mar 22nd 2017, 8:47pm)
Location: New York, NY
Occupation: Software Developer, Allods Online Moderator, Cloud Pirates Moderator
Quoted from "stevenmdr"
-players which have all reincarnations now recieve the option to create a reincarnation on the other faction
Fake Oo ??
wishful thinking...
This post has been edited 2 times, last edit by "Lioo" (Mar 22nd 2017, 5:30pm)
I got so excited! what a tease
..... ok it was just wishful thinking...
Ye but u can buy 3x replicator for Soveren, its called like that on Russian. That is new currency, reward for completing allod, without skipping bosses. You can recive 4 Soveren per allod. 1 - 3x repli cost 20 soverens.really? time to stop opening them then lol
beside this i read the purple / orange boxes wont consume 2 keys any longer....? so doing the gearfarm will take longer? sounds bad... it was very pleasent that they needed 2 keys now so it wasnt THIS slow
Not that much more, as even without replicators you can purchase s2 astral boxes of your current gear level with just 5 sovereigns. Sovereigns can also be used to buy some special alchemical potions that boost elemental/natural/holy/physical damage by 50. Keep in mind that sovereigns only drop in s2 of your CURRENT gear level, regardless of what level of astral someone has carried you to, so if your gear level is still that of level 84 greens, for example, you will earn no sovereigns for s2 blue sector. 1 key (1 astral box) drops 2 pieces of equipment on RU p2p, and if I'm not mistaken currently 8.0 astral boxes of epic/legend quality drop the same amount of gear for 2 keys (not counting extra drops in legend sectors), so it's also more opportunities to get better gear drops while you're spending your keys. And really, the sovereigns system is one big incentive for people to not only do s2 of a gear level, but to fully clear that allod as well.but overall its still more "work" to do, even if you complete the allods always...? right?