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Hi fellow scouts,
I have tried almost everything, meele, close combat, range with non build i could compete with the other classes.
Our defense, our lifepoints, our CC, our Damage is always to weak in any combination.
What could make our class better again:
1. Range of arrows to 150 meters. Our range is and was nessesary to have chances agains other classes. But it became too little helpfull, as other classes now have little problems to get closer to us. Close enough to have easy game with us.
2. Invisbility gets effectiv again. Interrupts all dots, all damage stops. Scout disapears of sight, how it should be and how it was once.
OK, thats my oppinion, what is yours?
This post has been edited 1 times, last edit by "Delio" (Apr 21st 2014, 10:33pm)
This post has been edited 1 times, last edit by "ryan9690" (Apr 22nd 2014, 3:20am)
This post has been edited 1 times, last edit by "ryan9690" (Apr 22nd 2014, 2:29pm)
It is so easy to avoid dieing as a ranged scout in mass pvp, mainly because people are lazy to run to the backside of the fight. There are some who do it ofcourse, but 70%+ of them would rather dps the bard/psi/fh near to them than endure a painfull walk to the backline where a scout should be.
Positioning is key, if you don't know where to stand in teamfights you'll be dropped in a second. Ofcourse you'll get dropped in a second by an organized group of at least 2 damage-dealers who will focus the same target if they spotted you and you don't react to it, but that's just what scouts were and are, glass cannons, not "tanky" bards or warriors or w/e.
If you find yourself dieing as a ranged scout in pvp too often, it's simple, your positioning sucks. Back in 2010 when I was learning more about scouts somebody ( forgot who ) told me that in PvP, you kite or you die, and it stuck with me =), think of it rather than demanding OP reworks on scout.
Haven't played melee for a while, so I won't commenton that part, altough I do accept the fact that it's a more than viable build patch in pvp too.
This post has been edited 2 times, last edit by "Azheal" (Apr 23rd 2014, 12:34pm)
The league side arena is terrible for scouts to duel. Gipat not much better, but alittle. Empire arena is just sexy for scouts.
The league side arena is terrible for scouts to duel. Gipat not much better, but alittle. Empire arena is just sexy for scouts.