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If you dont have keys, u will get dust. But still u will obtain artifact material.The first raid adventure in a week will cost you Astral Keys (Astral replicators can be used) which means you won’t have to spend too much time on obtaining equipment. For instance, completing a raid adventure in hard mode will cost you 25 Astral Keys.
So let me understand this part... what happens if you raid on a day in which you don't have astral keys? or if you dont have enough left to complete the whole raid? you're not gonna get *beep* from it?
yeh 14 keys, chests for nuggets, soverens, bg, rating arena. 1 key / 1 chest / 1 material part /. But in legend sectors 1 key 2 material parts (54, 81, 108 material). Fable sector 1 key / 1 fable parts ( 108, 162, 216 mat)How many Keys you have per Day? Same like now 14 ? And you can still buy Chest with Astral Nuggets ?
So, you get dust and artifacts materials regardless, while the keys you can spend all in astral, or spend them in raid + astral getting the same amount of materials for gear upgrade, correct?If you dont have keys, u will get dust. But still u will obtain artifact material.The first raid adventure in a week will cost you Astral Keys (Astral replicators can be used) which means you won’t have to spend too much time on obtaining equipment. For instance, completing a raid adventure in hard mode will cost you 25 Astral Keys.
So let me understand this part... what happens if you raid on a day in which you don't have astral keys? or if you dont have enough left to complete the whole raid? you're not gonna get *beep* from it?
Easy mode 3 3 3 4 keys (1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th boss)
Normal mode 4 4 4 5 keys
Hard mode 5 5 5 10 keys (if i rmbr for this)
Also u will get gear, same like from astral.
Yeh, it will be always same amount of material, astral or raid, fable or leggy sector.So, you get dust and artifacts materials regardless, while the keys you can spend all in astral, or spend them in raid + astral getting the same amount of materials for gear upgrade, correct?If you dont have keys, u will get dust. But still u will obtain artifact material.The first raid adventure in a week will cost you Astral Keys (Astral replicators can be used) which means you won’t have to spend too much time on obtaining equipment. For instance, completing a raid adventure in hard mode will cost you 25 Astral Keys.
So let me understand this part... what happens if you raid on a day in which you don't have astral keys? or if you dont have enough left to complete the whole raid? you're not gonna get *beep* from it?
Easy mode 3 3 3 4 keys (1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th boss)
Normal mode 4 4 4 5 keys
Hard mode 5 5 5 10 keys (if i rmbr for this)
Also u will get gear, same like from astral.