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That's a complete lie. Before patch 7.0 we had 3-4 weeks worth of patch notes telling us every single thing about the entire patch. First week talked about new allods, raid dungeons, etc. The second week of notes talked about class changes, and bunch of other stuff, and the third week talked about other notes. This is just recently that the allods team have started given patching notes after patches. I don't know what happened to our support for this game but it seems its going downhill.Maint continues 1h and patchnotes comes like every patch in the past after finishing the update
That's a complete lie. Before patch 7.0 we had 3-4 weeks worth of patch notes telling us every single thing about the entire patch. First week talked about new allods, raid dungeons, etc. The second week of notes talked about class changes, and bunch of other stuff, and the third week talked about other notes. This is just recently that the allods team have started given patching notes after patches. I don't know what happened to our support for this game but it seems its going downhill.Maint continues 1h and patchnotes comes like every patch in the past after finishing the update
Patch notes are released before a patch in every other game that exists. No one gives patch notes after a patch is already released. It doesn't even make sense.
This post has been edited 1 times, last edit by "Kurtcobain" (May 23rd 2017, 4:34pm)
hey....what is right is that we make news with little informations what changes will come with the next patch....but when a player writes that he needs the patchnotes he means this:
attantion....these are the 8.0 notes as an example