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Friday, May 26th 2017, 12:23pm

Sale: Radiant Strongbox of the Inventor (Escalade) - 26/05/2017

Dear Sarnaut,

The crown jewel of Sarnautian combat engineering – the Assault Shell –
has yet another priceless model inserted into the collection – the Assault Shell "Escalade"!
This pristine power suit is choc full of gadgets and technical
wizardry, providing the operator with all manner of beneficial
abilities, such as enhanced defences and increased mobility. Such power
cannot be handed out lightly, hence the schematics for this breakthrough
have been safely locked away within the Radiant Strongbox of the Inventor, on sale from May 26th to June 2nd, 12:00 CEST (3am PDT)!

Wearing an Assault Shell prevents the wearer from taking fall damage,
operates at functional speeds even when submerged, and can even be
equipped when 'knocked out of the saddle'.

Its portable barrier generator can be used to absorb damage taken by allies, and if a battle doesn't go according to plan, the Shell also has an inbuilt emergency repair
feature that will restore 50% of its health instantly, at the cost of a
repair kit. Lastly, there are multiple handbooks available that help
incorporate even more functionality into your Assault Shell.

As the pinnacle of engineering, it provides its owner with reliable protection and additional possibilities in battle:

You can find more information about this sale at our News Pages on our Website. :)

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