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Friday, June 23rd 2017, 8:29pm

Subscription server idea feedback

So, I came up with this idea for the subscription server and I'd like feedback.
I have been leveling a toon on the RU subscription server and I noticed that when you do astral at level 50, you don't have to gain experience from the allod completed, since you don't necessarily have to use the items.
I was discussing this with some of the players on the EU subscription server, and we came up with an idea.
We're going to make new toons/reincarnations, and level them to 50, and 69. We're going to use these toons to push the newer players to the server, whether or not they're veterans of the game or not, to level cap quicker, since the leveling process is almost unbearable.
Would more people choose to play the server if we did do this? Please leave feedback about this idea. :)


Friday, June 23rd 2017, 8:32pm


Tuesday, June 27th 2017, 9:11am



Posts: 276

Location: Sweden

Occupation: Makin 'em GAINS bro

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You mean push through Astral, for gear? Or is it actually possible to powerlevel in this game?
“If you want to conquer fear, don't sit home and think about it. Go out and get busy.”
-Dale Carnegie

“Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don't matter, and those who matter don't mind.”
-Bernard M. Baruch


Thursday, June 29th 2017, 3:49pm

You mean push through Astral, for gear? Or is it actually possible to powerlevel in this game?
You can practically powerlevel through low level astral with the tomes that the bosses drop.


Monday, July 3rd 2017, 8:44am



Posts: 276

Location: Sweden

Occupation: Makin 'em GAINS bro

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You mean push through Astral, for gear? Or is it actually possible to powerlevel in this game?
You can practically powerlevel through low level astral with the tomes that the bosses drop.

I see. The player has to reach the right level for Astral first though. I guess most people quits before that, since they quickly realize that the server is empty. Or what's the required level to go to Astral now?
“If you want to conquer fear, don't sit home and think about it. Go out and get busy.”
-Dale Carnegie

“Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don't matter, and those who matter don't mind.”
-Bernard M. Baruch


Monday, July 3rd 2017, 9:08am

1st you need to have at-least 1 rank in a aspect of your choice, 2nd you need to be between 20 - 49 for the 1st lot of astral and then 50 - 69 for the one khaexea is talking about, but i like the idea though, it would help the lower ones.


Tuesday, July 4th 2017, 2:17pm



Posts: 276

Location: Sweden

Occupation: Makin 'em GAINS bro

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1st you need to have at-least 1 rank in a aspect of your choice, 2nd you need to be between 20 - 49 for the 1st lot of astral and then 50 - 69 for the one khaexea is talking about, but i like the idea though, it would help the lower ones.

Then I would suggest you also make a reinc level ~20. I think very few will actually endure the tedious and lonely leveling experience all the way to 50.

Many people, like myself, may also want to be able to find other players to group up with, so they won't have to solo the game. This is nearly impossible on the sub server, which means most players who don't actually prefer playing an mmorpg like a single-player game will most likely not even consider playing on the sub server.
“If you want to conquer fear, don't sit home and think about it. Go out and get busy.”
-Dale Carnegie

“Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don't matter, and those who matter don't mind.”
-Bernard M. Baruch

This post has been edited 2 times, last edit by "Quinz" (Jul 5th 2017, 9:54am)


Tuesday, July 4th 2017, 3:01pm

i think rank 3 of whatever aspect is needed
at least it was
i remember having problems with that since a partymember had only rank 2 and we could not start unless he had level 3


Tuesday, July 4th 2017, 9:01pm

This sounds like a really good idea to make it easier for newbies.

However, i think the problem is not the leveling aspect as such. People that want to play the game, will also do the leveling part.

IMO the problem is the population (which you guys can't change). The community is great on the P2P, but i for example quit again because BGs didn't pop, raids weren't possible and as a PvPer, i live for PvP. PvP only at guild dominion is simply not enough for me. I feel the same about raiding, which is the main PvE content IMO. As a competitive player, there is just too little competition on the P2P for me


Wednesday, July 5th 2017, 9:54am



Posts: 276

Location: Sweden

Occupation: Makin 'em GAINS bro

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Sorry if I seem sniffy, I think your idea is great and it's awesome that you're so dedicated to keep the server alive. However, I don't believe it will make that much of a difference because the problem is not mainly that people need help leveling up, the problem is that the population is so low that even when they'll hit max level it will still not be a real mmo experience.
Everything is very limited due to the low population, it's troublesome to even participate in the most basic content like PvP, goblinball, raiding, astral combat etc. This is key content that makes an mmorpg, so without this, what's to do in the game?
“If you want to conquer fear, don't sit home and think about it. Go out and get busy.”
-Dale Carnegie

“Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don't matter, and those who matter don't mind.”
-Bernard M. Baruch


Wednesday, July 5th 2017, 7:10pm

Honestly the 24 man requirement cursed our server hard. We're trying to organize battlegrounds with League's though, so far Sunday is the day we can get skirmishes popping.


Thursday, July 6th 2017, 12:49am

in the past BG popped with 12 players
i still dont understand why this was changed

I don't either. I sent in a ticket about it, in case it was a bug back when they changed it, and they said it was working as intended. When I sent in a ticket, suggesting to lower the queue, they said to not send in multiple tickets about the same subject.

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