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Wednesday, March 19th 2014, 9:48pm

can't create new reincarnation

"you cannot reset changes applied to this character because of the items equipped"

erm. considering my current reinc is a level 4 warden with nothing but whites equipped im not sure how this makes snese?

anyone know how to fix this issue?


Wednesday, March 19th 2014, 9:53pm



Posts: 67

Location: Cheeseland

Occupation: Being bad at things and calling others worse

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"you cannot reset changes applied to this character because of the items equipped"

erm. considering my current reinc is a level 4 warden with nothing but whites equipped im not sure how this makes snese?

anyone know how to fix this issue?
You can't, and haven't been able to for a while, to reset a reinc with anything equiped.


Wednesday, March 19th 2014, 10:10pm



Posts: 8

Location: Nezebgrad

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Unequip EVERYTHING and then proceed with reset. This was done because people were deleting special items (trinkets etc) by accident.


Wednesday, March 19th 2014, 11:32pm

you have to make sure the main bag, the craft bag, the bank and the character are completely bare. dont bother with boutique bag tho thats shared
Sailoryue: lvl 60 Bard
Painkiller: lvl 50 Healer
Palpatine: Lvl 45 Psi (ret)
Mereda: lvl 53 scout (ret)
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