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Thursday, August 24th 2017, 9:53am

Let's talk about warrior pvp


I'm Angrypotato from lig side!
I've been playing warrior since i came back to game.
I like this class very much and seems warrior is not bad for team fight like bg and domi

but, in 1vs1 situation, I feel that warrior is really bad. (or It can be only to me..cuz i'm suck)
I really can't kill any of patch players who changes their class to 'OP class' at each version..

which class can be beaten by warrior..? prob engi or scout maybe..yeah maybe.
even hard to hit support bard/mage/summy/psi..
support warden just keep heal up and kill us slowly.
for melee class like pala or support cleric..just no way. They have more dps, more heals, more defensive skills, more ccs.

actually killing warrior is the most easiest to me :P .

Does anyone have any tips for it? like skills or rotations

i won't mention about assault mage/psi/summy/warden. Personally I don't count them as 'pvp player'

This post has been edited 1 times, last edit by "Rebrunpotato" (Aug 24th 2017, 10:08am)


Thursday, August 24th 2017, 10:03pm

Have you tried tank-dps build made exclusively for pvp? I was able to kill even support mages with it, but healing chars like summy, healer, warden are just unbeatable 1v1. It was always like that and i was always against it. It is true tho, that pvp warrior has bad times when other player switch to full pvp build. It depends on CS also, but lets pretend that everyone is equal in CS.. Just generally saying that tank-dps build is the best option for pvp warr.
I guess somebody would say that warr is not meant to be for 1v1 or even pvp in general.. just wish them cancer and ignore.


Friday, August 25th 2017, 1:50pm

given theoretically you have same powerups (gear, runes, guildrubies, etc...)
as a warrior vs an equal skilled player...

you cant kill:

-> necromancer, healer, warden -- because they will be able to outheal any dmg
however if you have a good spec you can almost infinitely prolong the battle to result in a "draw"

-> immune to slowdown which alon with volcano-selfheal makes him the "king" of pvp overall
will kite you to death usually
you can break the firelightning effect once with your dragontearskill but there is the martry ccbreaker with shorter cd, so no

you can kill:
paladin, bard, scout, mechanic, other warrior, psi

warrior has EXCELLENT skills to get over its melee range

and for pvp, as RedCatCZ already said, you should play 2handed tank because that is warriors pvp-spec
actually its so good it will make ppl even rage and cry and complain a lot which is very amusing and satisfying

before the aoe-range reduction
assaultmode wiith concentration & bloodlust was also an awesome option
now assaultmode is only good for PVE

... but keep in mind... with 8.2 shields will be affected by wounds or somthing
so might be a lot easier vs all the healing classes! :)


Friday, August 25th 2017, 9:43pm

Thx for reply guys!
I'll try again with 2h tank pvp spec .

I agree with that 2h tank spec is much better than assault spec in 1vs1.
So I guess you mention those classes as 2h tank spec warrior.
Because I really didn't see(or hear) the any of warrior kills those classes with assault spec.
Ofc it suppose to be same gears/CS condition

+ prob i live in too far from server and This is actual cancer bringer !!!
I never get green ping with any of internet lines except in my private allod 8)
So when my enemy is running away from me and i chase him, system message always saysq
'you're target is too far away' even i'm on exactly same spot with target.

Also If Hack/Harpoon/taunt/Charge and kick are all on cooldown...
then i don't know what to do. just chasing them and wait for CD .

gimme few days..ill cry some more days.


Friday, August 25th 2017, 11:09pm

yes i meant all the classes vs a warrior in pvp spec :)
the (gibberling?) racial will also make you run faster which is good to catch players
ping should not be an issue, allods is using tcp anyway instead of udp
i also have what ppl call a "bad ping" but on the whole its NOT an issue as melee

i guess you already use paladin charge as reinc skill?

charge #1
charge #2
faster running
warrior leap
whirlwind slowdown
and there is some ruby for faster running after cc or something in 3rd grid left

except for a pvp - slowdown immune sorcerer there should be no problems
paladin is far worse in case of catching up

btw supportpsi is your greatest friend as every crit will slowdown the target, so in actual battle the enemy of the psi will be permaslowed :P

- i think i saw you in battleground today, you did well! are you "full gared"? :)


Saturday, August 26th 2017, 8:01am

No offense towards you Angrypotato, but i have seen you fighting on Koe and BG's alot lately, inspected you and had an eye on the DPS-Meter, only from taking a look at this things i can already tell you that you have some weird Stats and Build also your attention towards your own and your targets (Defesnive) Skills is from what i saw non existant, i like that you try different styles. Also there are like 2-3 other Warriors playing the Singel Target Assault PvP Spec and they do very well you might watch out for them and ask them for Advices. Also a Warrior can easy kill Mages and if you are doing everything right and pay attention you wont even get kited at all you just have to use your full tools which you have as an Warrior. I mean i am sure you wont kill Mages like Penance but other than that almost all others should be doable.


Saturday, August 26th 2017, 11:39am

It's ok, I'm open for any advice.
Yeah, I sometimes pop my tear skill when enemy has defensive buff.
or sometimes pop defensive skills at wrong timing. sadly I can agree with that.

I usually do single target at pvp also unless there are bunch of people at same spot.
+ I didn't see any good warrior who aiming for single target yet (or not geared enough)
I don't know who is that 2~3 warriors who can kill mages or do well pvp with assault spec. so can't ask them.
Can u tell me their names.? So I can ask and discuss about this!

and for build and stats tell me which is weird and which is looks better more exactly please.
-I use similar offensive skills with dps spec. It means I don't use Treacherous Strike. yeah so it can be looks weird
Otherwise, I don't know what's wrong with my build..
-I run prof/brut/crit dmg/ele dmg and full Bloodlust+caution.
Ofc i use different stats and build for domi, but I usually use these stats for BG.


Saturday, August 26th 2017, 11:45am

- i think i saw you in battleground today, you did well! are you "full gared"?

Thx!! I always struggle so hard 8)
Yeah I use all of listed skills except Might Leap.

I have 155k gs atm so the answer is 'almost' Yes.


Sunday, August 27th 2017, 8:22am



Hello potato :)

My suggestion for pvp is to have no conc/ bl at all since there are too many dmg reductions going on in pvp, your points in those are totally wasted. It's a teambased game after all so I always rely on healers. Try max vita (14.5M hp) with 500 caution and the rest in surviva to respect your healers. You'll be the tankiest you can get and random healers will healer you more often cause they will feel good abt healing you easily :) especially on tank spec you'll never be focused anymore! Goodluck :)


Sunday, August 27th 2017, 3:14pm

Hey Dragagon

I don't use conc at all either normal BG or domi :P
And if I have healer in my team all the time like domi, I replace Bloodlust to Survivablity and Vit
But in normal BG, many times, I don't get any healers in my team. That's why i use Bloodlust and it works well in the bg.
It's better than Surv since assault warrior doesn't have any heal skills.


Wednesday, August 30th 2017, 1:43am

i would also NOT recommend survivability for non-selfhealing classes in normal battlegrounds
95% of the time you will be without a healer (which matters)

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