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Thursday, September 7th 2017, 2:48pm

[off-topic] subscription server #2

since the previous was closed i reply here;

Quoted from "Gladia"

Please, don't spread biased information.

Smuggler paradise is a subscription server, with the same game content than the 2 F2P servers, except that there is no in-game Boutique, so you get some items in a different way (farming, questing, killing boss etc.)

is it no longer OK to write the own opinion?
i always try to seperate the facts and my POV on things so its pretty clear to the reader

its an important information that some items are NOT (never) AVAILABLE AT ALL on subscription server instad of accessible in another way so the content is NOT the same in total
for deciding on what server someone want to play this might be relevant


Thursday, September 7th 2017, 3:35pm

The items that you are talking about are items that give you power that's why it's a free to play pay to win.
It's not a "content", the power is not a "content", 130% damages is not a "content", 300$ armor that absorb damages is not a "content", 300$ mounts that can kill you is not a "content" it's just about win or lose.For competitive players or players who seek fun you win when you are playing good and you lose when you are playing bad. Win a game is not a "content", victory is not a "content".I' m sure most of the p2p players got more items than you. And on p2p they add new content ( that not disturb the competitiveness of the game) every year and it's good. All important items are here so it's funny to see people who never played on p2p saying bad things about it. If you were collecting items on p2p you would never have said your shit !!!! Too many things are and are coming to the p2p you are just an ignorant and you"speak". Many things that are not free for you are in p2p.
You defend your server full of bad p2W players because also on your server the population decrease ok i can understand this but just stop say shit plz.

(I remember when you were claiming that there was no fast mounts on p2p..... 16+ speed is not fast ???? I' m sure most of the P2p players have more fast mounts than you. And it's just one exemple ...... each time you speak you say shit, as i said before you ignore what's happen on p2p so idk why you talk about it.)

and a moderator have said that it's better if you stop saying shit but you continue ..... idk what is your problem but it's sure that you have one !!!


Thursday, September 7th 2017, 4:02pm

Saying that Smugglers Paradise sucks because it does not have CS items is like saying that FIFA or CS:GO sucks because it does not have Carnifex Scrolls lmao,P2P and F2P are different games.

I'm looking forward to a moderator shutting down this thread made by a frustrated person trying to shove his pointless opinion in everyone's face :P


Thursday, September 7th 2017, 6:23pm


The way you gave the information about the subscription server was biased, and you're not playing on this server anymore.
There is already a discussion about Smugglers Paradise here:…d&threadID=2145
P2P players can post all information about Smugglers Paradise on this topic too so that it will be up to date.


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