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@ those who say scout
Don't be so bias. It's not the class that earns you defeat. It's your lack of skill and quality gear.... but beware if you find an enemy with 100% skill, then its impossbile to win
This is false. The class is too young for anyone to judge that. I'm sure in a few patches it will undergo many changes just like bard and does not matter what class he plays since EVERY class is superior to engineer
Trying to use a frying pan as a sword won't get you far. As will using a utility/support class hoping to defeat all enemies.if you have "100% skill" and your opponent has only "50% skill" you are even, haha
This isn't true.if u search an underpowered class, where you need 100% skill to compensate the fail of it, play engineer
I guess you never played summoner or atleast with Lurker..The pet controling plays pretty high role of being able to survive, Im jumping from passive - attack - follow on my pet so often that I just do it as reflex. If you send your pet inside group of ppl u can expect it to die pretty fast being ganked by all melees since most of ppl find it as closest target/are annoyed by it so you have to position it and let it attack most favorable target to survive as long as possible while healing it (thats why I always save fullheal pet racial for those situations) cause once it dies you can expect to die too. if you keep your pet on following only like most of slackers do and it silences warrior/scout/paladin etc you just totally wasted your cc. Lurkers silence actually has 45 sec cooldown so you have to time it always to not make it wasted (countless times I saw ppl using fear+silence at same time). Lurker recieves invisibility after 10 seconds of not attacking so thats where your passive button is great.Warden. Each skill combos into the next, and you have to keep track of up to three different global cooldowns (pet/caster/melee). You gotta be ready to react to many different situations at a moment's notice. It's very involved. Unlike Summoner, the Warden is constantly controlling every action of two characters at once. Two health bars, one mana bar, one energy bar, two different character locations at once, and pet skills are not automatic; if your pet dies or gets lost or cc'd in mass pvp, yep.
Closely followed by Psis (especially in PVP). There's so much stuff going on that they are literally all over their keyboards, just like Wardens.
I feel that Engies are pretty straightforward - spam and work with your temperature. A Scout just has to learn about positioning + one to two cc rotations and he is set for life.
I guess you never played summoner or atleast with Lurker..The pet controling plays pretty high role of being able to survive, Im jumping from passive - attack - follow on my pet so often that I just do it as reflex. If you send your pet inside group of ppl u can expect it to die pretty fast being ganked by all melees since most of ppl find it as closest target/are annoyed by it so you have to position it and let it attack most favorable target to survive as long as possible while healing it (thats why I always save fullheal pet racial for those situations) cause once it dies you can expect to die too. if you keep your pet on following only like most of slackers do and it silences warrior/scout/paladin etc you just totally wasted your cc. Lurkers silence actually has 45 sec cooldown so you have to time it always to not make it wasted (countless times I saw ppl using fear+silence at same time). Lurker recieves invisibility after 10 seconds of not attacking so thats where your passive button is great.
Im not saying that it needs more control than wardens pet but it plays big role for Summoner too.