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Thursday, January 11th 2018, 7:36pm

Date of Update ?


It may be time to announce the date of the update and its patchnote?


Friday, January 12th 2018, 1:56am

It will feature new class Demonology and its archetype icon in game will be unique from other classes as in online videos it is purple blue double v shaped with four pointing on up and down It will feature a new shard big island It increases maximum level to 80 It offers a new zodiac horoscope talent map replacing level icon


Friday, January 12th 2018, 8:31am

Wrong answer Lameo Nameo, Lyrliel wants to know if its time to announce the update and patchnotes, though with the artifact nearly out of time or out of time it should be soon, the patchnotes will be available when the game goes live usually, but what i want to see with it is some builds that we can use since it is a new class and everything, instead of them going "Here new class, have at it."


Friday, January 12th 2018, 12:08pm

but what i want to see with it is some builds that we can use since it is a new class and everything, instead of them going "Here new class, have at it."
Here are some builds for the new class, have at it:
Basic PvE DPS:$vg6f0gu0601g8…0000000::13ydj3
Basic Tank:$fgpg0j6460hs0…000000::13ydj3:
Basic PvP:$vgef0gu4609k8…0000000::13ydj3


Friday, January 12th 2018, 3:38pm



Posts: 553

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There is no set date for the update yet.
Allods Online Administration


Friday, January 12th 2018, 4:14pm

And about equilibrium, your dead server, any news, something ?


Friday, January 12th 2018, 8:11pm

Equilibrium is for poor people to weekly bid buy class Core Morph changes off Auction Houses benefiting from low population


Friday, January 12th 2018, 10:39pm

They are probably merging Equilibrium with new frontier in 9.0


Friday, January 12th 2018, 11:22pm

What about Smuggler Paradise server? shut down that server or merge with ru p2p...

This post has been edited 1 times, last edit by "Instinct" (Jan 13th 2018, 5:02pm)


Saturday, January 13th 2018, 8:35am

Seeing as they can't even fix the ranks & ratings after more than half a year, it's no surprise that the patch won't be soon :)


Monday, January 15th 2018, 7:53pm

It may be time that the staff informs us a little about its update, no information has been posted on the forums English, German or French, ask whose question to developers !


Wednesday, January 17th 2018, 4:02pm



but what i want to see with it is some builds that we can use since it is a new class and everything, instead of them going "Here new class, have at it

Exploring is part of games, don't be a boring cunt and find out!


Wednesday, January 17th 2018, 4:04pm



I find it odd that players can keep asking for a patch update wihtout the developers even announcing anything. All they said is that they are preparing. Asking for it on the forums won't bring it tomorrow. Just chill and wait it out?
The lack of respect to game devs these days is disgusting.


Wednesday, January 17th 2018, 6:00pm

The lack of respect to game devs these days is disgusting.
This is not about the lack of respect. And in no way to game developers.

Thing is game developers are Russian folks that have already completed their part of the job since the patch is live on RU servers for 2 months already. Of course there are some extra things to do specifically for EU servers (like translation and such), but it normally took them 1 month to do it (and I'm pretty sure that texts and all that localization stuff is being prepared together with the Russian one), and now it's already been 2 months and still no announcement.

So it's possible that it will take up to 1 month AFTER the announcement is finally made.

I'm pretty sure the delay is caused by the Cash Shop items giveaway that happened on RU. Every Cash Shop transition takes forever to get from RU to EU (temporary artifacts and Premium system are the latest examples). So if it takes them to decide if they will give free cash shop items (equal to the temporary artifacts, but permanent except for runes) to the new players in 9.0 as long as it took them to bring temporary artifacts and Premium, we won't get the patch for 2-3 more months easily.


Thursday, January 18th 2018, 6:33am


Friday, January 19th 2018, 8:31am

i heart it's coming in 2 weeks
I heard that too, but that was a month ago :thumbsup:


Friday, January 19th 2018, 11:06am



Posts: 553

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It is quite a process and we want it to go as smoothly as possible, that's why we are taking our time and making sure that everything is correct. Please be patient and keep and eye on the news, we will announce the update with anticipation.
Allods Online Administration


Friday, January 19th 2018, 8:13pm

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Friday, January 19th 2018, 10:10pm

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