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Tuesday, January 30th 2018, 2:27am

Pls help me finding a specific allods-PVP-related video

i saw it on
content was a fight between a psionicist (uploader of the video) and a healer
sadly, i dont remember the name of the psionicist so i cant find the video and thus ask for help here
the opponent in the video was a healer named "Shockx"

the video was quite interesting as it showed how the well played psionicist which has NO selfheal at all still can survive seemingly endless versus the pvp-healer which has a lot of heals, a lot of kiting was included
area was kingdom of elements, the island with the cobolds / pirates / stone elements

i wish to show this video to my apprentice as its a very good example and summary on how to use psi's mechanics in order to win a battle, but i no longer know the link to the video nor do i remember its title / uploader :(

maybe even the creator of this video reads this post and can help :)

This post has been edited 1 times, last edit by "ALLODS-ONLINE-PLAYER" (Jan 30th 2018, 2:50am)


Tuesday, January 30th 2018, 3:59am

micht have been Gale, saw a video about him doing some fights on KOE about a year ago,was a pretty good psi. he sadly enouch deleted his Youtube when he quited the game


Tuesday, January 30th 2018, 8:56am

micht have been Gale, saw a video about him doing some fights on KOE about a year ago,was a pretty good psi. he sadly enouch deleted his Youtube when he quited the game

Yup, it was Galewyn in one of his Koe video


Tuesday, January 30th 2018, 8:34pm

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