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Wednesday, March 19th 2014, 11:20pm

allod construction

i take it that when i finish phase 9 of my allod, i cant take phase 10 till i level cap? That sucks :S
Sailoryue: lvl 60 Bard
Painkiller: lvl 50 Healer
Palpatine: Lvl 45 Psi (ret)
Mereda: lvl 53 scout (ret)
(anonymous): lvl 55 Paladin (RET)


Wednesday, March 19th 2014, 11:33pm

Getting to 60 shouldn't take you more than 5-6 hours, unless you decide to read all the quests. There are also new phase quests as far as I know. ^^
Colin Quinn Recipe for success/dinner. 1/2 cup of brass you know whats, a tablespoon of I don't give a care, and a pound of get off my back, jack!


Wednesday, March 19th 2014, 11:35pm

tell me it doesnt go past the 16 phases o-o

and yes, i like reading quests. i just read that Kladvia Kalugia (Veronica Gipitskaya aka Nihaz's daughter, the woman who seems tto always help us in every adventure past Revelation) Lost her mind and went psycho
Sailoryue: lvl 60 Bard
Painkiller: lvl 50 Healer
Palpatine: Lvl 45 Psi (ret)
Mereda: lvl 53 scout (ret)
(anonymous): lvl 55 Paladin (RET)


Wednesday, March 19th 2014, 11:47pm



Posts: 25

Location: Where ever there is wifi

Occupation: Arch Angel In Training

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Whoa now, no spoiler alerts, but it shouldn't go past 16 phases.


Thursday, March 20th 2014, 4:07am



Getting to 60 shouldn't take you more than 5-6 hours, unless you decide to read all the quests. There are also new phase quests as far as I know. ^^
If you just click "Accept" not bothering to read the storyline in Allods... you're missing out on a HUGE part of the game - might as well go back to playing Space Invaders =P

Not 100% sure Sailoryue (I can't even log in yet lol) but patch notes said Greatness quest only available at lv 60 now, and as allod construction quests branch out of it... probably, yeah.

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