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Demonologist PVE state
Hey ...
since so far allods forum didnt add
Demonologist class here
so I was asking
whats the best state for Demonolgist ?
so far people say
focus on critical chance 500
Holy Damage 180
and Determination ... while other suggest on double attack
as for the def maybe I should go for bloodlust and const
I hope anyone experience provide me with some ideas
thanks in advance
I’m the heavy cruiser
originally from the
first oriental fleet
[ Fleet of Fog ]
Mental Model [ Takao ]
PVE DPS: 250 crit chance > 250 crit dmg > MBR addon || 250 caution > 250 conc > vitality
PVP DPS: 250 crit chance > 250 crit dmg > 250 DA > MBR addon with 0% determination || 250 survivability > caution
This is what I am running, works fine for me. Not saying that this is the meta.
It is not just for demonologist but general idea from changes to stat caps:
500 of anything = waste of stats - diminishing results not worth of effects. Softcap for most offensive stats is 250 now.
Holy damage - since 9.0 any specific dmg type has so low efficiency that it is not worth to put anything there.
Bloodlust - with 9.0 nerf it is hard to see it useable anymore. Maybe later with higher quality of gear and much higher amount of stats available.