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nothing wrong with that stats..I reached 120~ kills in aod few times alreadyAs in topic im gettin bored of the total ownage of wars , bards and healers zzz today at aod enemy team had 6 bard 5 healers no chance to kill them....and healers this days its just a joke anger bugged he heals instant and kills everyone around on another aod i had one he was 80-3 so cmon no one should have that stats on aod
Bard has always been like that, healers I do agree, celestial judgment is plain stupid. Warriors are so squishy its funny as hell so no issue there.
The one I am very shocked about is mage. Mages are sickeningly unbalanced with the damage they do more so than last patch. watched a mage wipe out 11 people in 1 AoD with a surge which is just stupid. Comet hits for about 60% of peoples HP.
To be totally honest mage needs comet to do about 30% less than it does now.
Whats funny though, is if you think 80-3 is bad you should have seen Vashbog go 101-4
Why nerf some classes instead of buffing some other classes?