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Tuesday, April 10th 2018, 9:38am

Mage = Viable?

Hi Guys,

I've been playing with the thought of trying out mage, as it seems very interesting mechanically.

I have heard mixed opinions on mage, and would like to know whether you believe mage is viable in either PvE and/or PvP.



Tuesday, April 10th 2018, 10:11am

1. Very easy skill rotation- it won't drain Your real life alt stamina fast:)
2. Very good dps
3. Ability to choose support, suppresion or attack aspect.
4. Ranged class with very good AoE and single attacks (9.0 made mele classes life miserable with the exception of tanks).
5. With 3 stamina rubbies same armor as warrior in plate (except situation when You pick 3 rubbies for armor in dps warrior build)- result of plate armor nerf in 9.0

1. Bloodlust and Concentration nerf made this class poor in solo PvE
2. You might not want to play other class which requires more attention (skill combos, etc)...


Tuesday, April 10th 2018, 2:38pm



As someone that played mage all of 8.2 for any pvp, but not for pve because of obvious reason, I can tell you mage is engineer 2.0.
It has become useless in every aspect of gameplay.
Play mage in pvp, and you are the reason of why your team is losing. Too squishy and all shields are dispellable.
There are ppl playing supp and dps spec in pvp.
How is supp?
It is tankier, but that's all. The damage isn't what it used to be and the name "support" has been ripped off since 9.0 because vulnerability has become rng.
dps spec in pvp?
Sure if you wanna complain in the next 2 hours on the forum about oneshots, go dps spec in pvp.
Okay then something has to be good about it in pve?
Pve dps (the role of any mage in any game) is also low. It's doing below expectations of what dps means and this is clearly visible when comparing other classes.
Aoe might be good but who cares about cleaning trash in astral when single dpsing bosses is what it's all about.
Mage has died and I still sadden this fact.
Wanna rock deeps in pve? Demono or Psi.
Wanna dominate pvp? Warrior, paladin, psi, demono (GLASS CANNON)
Wanna feel usefull without stuff depending on you? Bard SUPPORT. You could Engi support but that's ONLY good for pve since it's more dps orientated, bard supp is more defensive orientated. But in the end people want defensive supports because what dps are dead dps doing?
Please ask more if you have more questions!

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