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Friday, July 27th 2018, 1:26pm



  • "Lisad" started this thread

Posts: 553

Location: A galaxy far, far away

Occupation: Magic tricks

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Blood Tournament!


Preparations for the Blood Tournament have begun in Sarnaut! It's a championship in which groups of three fighters will come face to face in absolutely equal conditions. You can see it on the counter on the main page of the game and in a a special section in the game.

The amount of goals in the client is multiplied by 100. The correct amount is displayed on the site. It will appear in the client with the closest update.

Perform assignments, receive awards and take part in the formation of the prize fund, which will be divided among the winners.
Allods Online Administration


Friday, July 27th 2018, 2:51pm



Posts: 134

Occupation: Professional Procrastinator

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Is receiving rewards by completing quests also valid on P2P server?


Friday, July 27th 2018, 2:51pm

bought a ticket, but still tells me to buy a ticket after it?


Friday, July 27th 2018, 3:28pm



I keep getting the "log in" pop up after clicking buy. So I am unable to buy it.


Sunday, July 29th 2018, 10:40am

It'd be cool if you let f2p people buy tickets through Blue Crystals in game just like the collector's edition

Bring It On! Cuz I'm Just Gonna Grow Up In The Battle HEY !!

Timed Artifacts: The hidden value
Blanks In Chat?


Monday, August 6th 2018, 3:30pm



  • "Lisad" started this thread

Posts: 553

Location: A galaxy far, far away

Occupation: Magic tricks

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Regarding the items being sold in the Web Shop , here's the description of what they are for:

  • Blood Tournament Ticket - Gives the opportunity participate in the Blood Tournament and opens access to the quests.
  • Blood Tournament Booster: Pass quest - Allows to instantly complete one of the tasks of the Blood Tournament.
  • Blood Tournament Booster: Compendium Points (500 points) - Allows to increase the level of the Blood Tournament by 500 points.
Allods Online Administration

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