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Thursday, August 23rd 2018, 4:43pm



  • "jayroque123" started this thread

Posts: 3

Location: Davao City

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Any range type pvp scout build?

I was just wondering, I really prefer playing scout range type. Is there any effective pvp build for range scout? or should I stay hybrid?


Thursday, August 23rd 2018, 7:26pm



Posts: 521

Location: Sweden

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You can still do Ok as Ranged scout but, Hybrid will always be way better, in my Oppinion stay Hybrid
I am PioPico


Friday, August 24th 2018, 6:48am



I really think hybrid is better for pvp, has a lot of dmg compared to scout pve gameplay style.


Friday, August 24th 2018, 10:36am



Posts: 54

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Sure there is ranged pvp build but it will be with a lot less burst than hybrid.
Just take bombardment, aimed shot, explosive shot and crippling shot shouldnt be too hard figuring rubies. Maybe you can take some points to frost charm for kiting too

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