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Thursday, May 8th 2014, 9:22pm

Many league players

Can there be done anything about those many league players in the "fighting" areas????

There was a Overpowered league player, named Swindler, camping the empire's base with a banner of war up. He killed all the non-flagged empire players instantly (which i find unfair, we cant go anywhere and we just wanna quest).

Also the league holds all the sites of power nonstop and 24/7 in asee-teph. Which makes it harder for the empire to quest in that zone because they recieve all the 10% buffs..... Do something about it please....


Thursday, May 8th 2014, 9:50pm

don't worry it's same with empire's players


Thursday, May 8th 2014, 10:14pm

Maybe, but we never have SOPs. But only a few sometimes, but most of the times we got none..... And a high league player took them all, its just unfair


Thursday, May 8th 2014, 10:28pm

The same thing happens all the time with Empire players.

If it is really a high level player then buy an emblem of justice. It will 1 shot them. If they are not high level they are gaining XP from each kill and once they hit 30 the emblem will work on them. You can also ask a high level in town who doesn't mind dieing to come 1 shot him.


Friday, May 9th 2014, 12:12am

if it does not kill you (and thats impossible in games with respawn) it makes you stronger...after some time you will enjoy it, like me

try to escape from him, gain strenght, and then you can kill him :)

otherwise send ma a PM and if im online i will kill him with pleasure


Friday, May 9th 2014, 6:42am



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I left asee teph on my reinc and see what happen? -.- :D

There was 12 ppl raid last week almost every day...we just smashed league players :D


Friday, May 9th 2014, 6:51am



Posts: 49

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Heya diktator i am Madarra we owned league players in asee teph and when we left it was league paradise :))


Friday, May 9th 2014, 8:58am

Problem is i dont have to right gear yet, and im almost hitting 29/30. So when im 30 i will die if i kill a lvl 25 for example :s


Friday, May 9th 2014, 6:53pm

dieing is no problem at level 30 it costs nearly nothing

when i was level 32 on my reinc i went to asee teph and onehitted the ligs, i got killed every kill but i also got very much XP

i leveled from 32 to 33 in asee teph with pvp :D

(the mirra costs were brought in with killing 2 mobs at level 60)


Friday, May 9th 2014, 7:43pm



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I can't believe people still whine about Asee with having emblems of justice and not very many quests that flag you anymore. Take a break from Asee and go get your rep from Eljune. And stop whining, someone will almost always overpower you in any zone and endgame so get use to it now. You can always try to find a babysitter to follow you also >.<


Saturday, May 10th 2014, 9:27am



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In my opinion, Swindler is only carrying out justice. Sheylun from imp side was farming players that just come out of Tensess temple. He cost me 4 bars of xp on my reincarnate. I even used the sad and beg emotes but to no avail. Both factions have certain players that have op gear and such.


Saturday, May 10th 2014, 3:45pm

Bahahah did you really create a thread to complain about someone who kills Empire in a PvP area? What's main purpose of this game to you? So it's ok when Empires kill Leagues as well? Just lol. As a League player I was thinking about to create a topic to complain about high leveled toons(from 40 to 60 level) which kills 23 - 29 leveled players in Asee. Even though we all are protected by Holy Justice, most of those high levels in Empire have at least 10 of "Shackles by Holy Justice". (For instance: Karabulutt, Almedaa, Xxcazalandxx or smth) But none of you complain about those high levels killing Leagues from the protected area of Empire's because League doesn't even have those high levels to kill 20 leveled characters, right? Killing empires with 28 level Bard is as fine as killing Leagues with high leveled characters.
on the floor, I'm just a zombie.


Saturday, May 10th 2014, 4:01pm

I can't wait to reach lvl 23 with my friend and rock Asee-Teph with her. I am happy to hear there would be a lot of fairy blood to bathe in.
Colin Quinn Recipe for success/dinner. 1/2 cup of brass you know whats, a tablespoon of I don't give a care, and a pound of get off my back, jack!


Sunday, May 11th 2014, 5:47am

I came to Coba first time in ages cuz there were 6+ people ganging lowbies, soloed 3 rest ran :( and scattered out of Coba xD
Love putting people in place for doing that when I can/hear bout it haha


Sunday, May 11th 2014, 5:03pm

Create fantasy factions, and real humans will point fingers at each other because of it.

-"The opposite faction does this, and that, and bla bla bitch bitch! What's wrong with them?! They are evil!! Not my faction though, here we all behave adult and don't troll or gank."

So many Allods players never understand what RPG in mmorpg means, but when they meet gankers from the other faction, they go and blame it on the faction. -and don't say you're not judging by faction. If you want to point fingers at players ganking, point them at the players and don't start with "So many league players..." Leave the faction stuff out of it, pls, and just ask what can be done about gankers without naming factions. I've been there, and as someone @ league i can say that players from your faction do exactly the same things. It is just a group of players who play games like this. It's not nice, but it has nothing to do with factions.


Sunday, May 11th 2014, 5:54pm



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Well the gankers are also playing a certain role in this role playing game. They're having fun by spoiling others' fun :D
And so on..


Sunday, May 11th 2014, 8:23pm

Well the gankers are also playing a certain role in this role playing game. They're having fun by spoiling others' fun :D
Until I get there 8)


Monday, May 12th 2014, 1:25pm

Well the gankers are also playing a certain role in this role playing game. They're having fun by spoiling others' fun :D
Until I get there 8)
Wait a minute... are you this guy?


Monday, May 12th 2014, 4:22pm

Well the gankers are also playing a certain role in this role playing game. They're having fun by spoiling others' fun :D
Until I get there 8)
Wait a minute... are you this guy?

My identity has been reveled! <To the bat cave!>

Nah I had the same thing done to me from AT and so on every day. So I like putting those people in the dog house ^_^


Tuesday, May 13th 2014, 6:49am



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you know i actually like gankers but i like them when i am in asee teph killing all leagues and after 2 or 3 lvl 60 come and helps them to take portals :)) is funny to see how much fail this gankers get .. only yesterday a 60 was having 14 staks oif justice :)) but serious .. devs just test something just put - 150 k mira for ho ever kills a low level and after we will see if he will kill someone knowing he will lose about 1,7 k gold for each kill

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