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Wednesday, February 3rd 2021, 11:06am




  • Ruby "Singers Gown" : The ability can no longer be interrupted by the application of instant cast charge, taunt, pull abilities on the bard, as well as jumps.
  • Ruby "Sonata" : now applies the acceleration effect instead of random positive effect.
  • Talent "Expression" : now increased skill rank to correctly decrease its recovery time and increase its damage duration.

  • Talent "Rain of Arrows" : Stat "Swiftness" now correctly increases effectiveness of this ability. Now when from the start of the ability, the scout is immune to Crowd Control effects for 2/4/6 sec.
  • Ruby "Cover" : Fixed an error which caused the damage reduction to be significantly greater than mentioned in the description. Now instead of increasing movement speed by 45% it increases "Speed" by 250.
  • Effect "Weak Poison" and "Deadly Poison": Frequency of the damage for the duration of the effect has been corrected.

Important: Some features that are mentioned in the patch notes may become available on the EU servers at a later date, or they may be different in individual cases.


Wednesday, February 3rd 2021, 11:06am



  • Fixed an issue with the display of the Anniversary Otherverse Helmet.

  • Vulnerability and Defense no longer cancel each other out when applied.

  • Ability "March": Effect 'Defense' is now applied on allies under the effect of the ability for 1.5 seconds.
  • Ability "Romance": The ability no longer activates recovery time if it was interrupted before it was fully completed.

  • Ability "Bedlam": the damage dealt is significantly increased.
  • Ability "Berserker" (rank 3): now using the skill makes the warrior immune to the effects of control for 6 seconds.
  • Ability "Vicious Spin": the damage dealt is significantly increased.
  • Ruby "Raging Storm": the amount of Combat Advantage points gained is increased to 1/3/5. (previously 1/2/3).
  • Ruby "Bloodbath": fixed a bug due to which updating the duration of the effect did not work correctly when the number of the effect is more than 3.

  • The range of the following skills is increased to 40 m:
    - Sacred Word
    - Talisman
    - Protective Sign
    - Divine Foresight

Rarity Shop
  • Expanded the list of exchanges available when using the Crystal Prism.

Important: Some features that are mentioned in the patch notes may become available on the EU servers at a later date, or they may be different in individual cases.


Wednesday, February 3rd 2021, 11:06am



  • [subscription] Wings of the Cemetery Gargoyle can now be purchased from Zateynits during the All Saints Night event.


  • Ability 'Self-sacrifice': The range to use the skill is increased to 40m
  • Ability 'Halo': The range to use the skill is increased to 40m
  • Ability 'Healing Prayer': The range to use the skill is reduced to 40m

  • Ability 'Turtle': No longer removes the effects of bleeding.

  • Ability 'Acid Turret': damage inflicted reduced by ~35%.
  • Ability 'Light turret': damage inflicted increased by ~115%.
  • Ability 'Destructive Shots': now refreshes the effects of Attack Support during cast.

  • Ability 'Superiority': Description fixed.

  • Ability 'Reanimation': The range to use the skill is increased to 40m
  • Ability 'Dark Veil': The range to use the skill is increased to 40m
  • Ability 'Recovery': The range to use the skill is reduced to 40m
  • Ability 'Searing': no longer removes the effects of bleeding.

  • Ability 'Deadly Shot': (Rank 3) : Description fixed.
  • Ability 'Plantain': no longer removes the effects of bleeding.

  • Ability 'Touch of Life': The range to use the skill is reduced to 40m
  • Ability 'Bloom': The range to use the skill is increased to 40m
  • Ability 'Nature's Grip': The range to use the skill is increased to 40m

Heroic Adventures
Laboratory 731
  • Fixed an issue that caused multiple players to get the same effect when using the Acid Barrel at the same time.
  • The "Skin Damage" effect now works for 100 sec.

Important: Some features that are mentioned in the patch notes may become available on the EU servers at a later date, or they may be different in individual cases.

This post has been edited 1 times, last edit by "Drakdish" (Feb 3rd 2021, 12:04pm)


Wednesday, February 17th 2021, 11:35am



  • Corrected display of the Vampire Prince Hat with various hairstyles.
  • Corrected display of cloaks when using Dragon Cover, Arachnid Cover and Gryphon Cover armour colour pattern.
  • Collector's Edition delivery has been enabled on the Dawn server.
  • [subscription] Corrected display of class weapons of bards and engineers with the appearance of the holy weapons "Moon Knight" and "Bloody Knight".

Private Allod
  • Corrected mechanics of Kobold Gravedigger.

Tournament of Heroes
  • Fixed a bug that made it impossible to select reincarnation abilities.
  • Sailplane's Keychain is now available.
  • All vehicles not intended for use during the tournament are removed.
  • The qualifying round rankings are reset.

Clement's Tower
  • Fixed a bug that caused the client to freeze after the Great Magicians's speech and defeating the manticore on a number of PC configurations.

  • Talent "Aspect of Supression": now increases the duration of control effects by to 30/40/50%

  • Talent "March": fixed a bug whereby applying the skill would not put the target into a combat state.
  • Ruby "Wall of Shadows": corrected description.

  • Talent "Bedlam": increased damage.
  • Talent "Jagged Slice": Recovery time reduced to 18 seconds (previously 25 seconds).
  • Ruby "Raging Storm": corrected description.

  • Ruby "Cold Math": fixed a bug that caused the " Supremacy" stat not to work correctly with the regeneration of elements.
  • Ruby Harmony: fixed a bug that was preventing the Volcano ability from applying its effect without elemental cost.

  • Ruby "Radiation background": the effect now correctly replaces a previously applied same effect, rather than extending its duration.

  • Racial ability "channel of Life": increased range to 40m.
  • Talent "Blood Aegis": The Protection effect is now applied every second as long as the target has at least one level of the Blood Aegis effect.
  • Ruby "The Blessing of the Dead": The additional effects on "Avid Shadows" skill are now only effective when the Aspects of heal or support are active.

  • Talent "Veil of Light": increased range to 40m.
  • Talent "Holy Intervention": increased range to 40m.

  • Talent "Well of Life": increased range to 40m.

Heroic adventures
Silent Whirlpool
  • Fallen Crusader
  • Ability "Blade Storm": Reduced attack radius, improved visual display. Fixed a bug that sometimes caused damage to a character that was out of range.
  • Ability "Decomposition": now has the same effect on all enemies in combat with the Crusader.

Copper Mountain
  • Changed location of the "Bear"
  • Mistress of the Copper Mountain
  • Fixed a bug that caused the Malachite Curse effect to not to be removed when the Malachite statue was destroyed.

Important: Some features that are mentioned in the patch notes may become available on the EU servers at a later date, or they may be different in individual cases.


Wednesday, February 17th 2021, 11:37am




  • Talent "Entre": duration of Crowd Control applied, increased by 0.5 Sec.
  • Talent "Ghost Shield": duration of the effect "defense" applied by this ability is increased by 0.5 sec.
  • Ruby "Healing Music": corrected the description.

  • Fixed an error, which caused an incorrect interaction with "Supremacy" stat and artifact ability "Thunder of Victory"

Heroic adventures
Fenia's Cloister
  • Corrected an error which allowed travel to unintended place on one of the structures.
  • Fixed an error that allowed the Maiden of Honor's "Retaliation" ability to be delayed.

Important: Some features that are mentioned in the patch notes may become available on the EU servers at a later date, or they may be different in individual cases.


Wednesday, February 17th 2021, 11:37am



  • The item "Gravedigger's Bag" has been renamed to "Grim Reaper's Bag", and the name of the garment issued by this item has been adjusted.

Heroic Adventures
Silent Whirpool
  • Fixed a bug that caused Veliyar could sometimes use an extra melee attack.

Important: Some features that are mentioned in the patch notes may become available on the EU servers at a later date, or they may be different in individual cases.


Wednesday, February 17th 2021, 11:38am



Heroic Adventures
Laboratory No. 731
  • Electrogolem:
  • Fixed a bug that caused the Electro Ring ability to cause lethal damage the first time the character hit the ring beam. Now it happens only if the character has the "Electric Burn" effect.

Important: Some features that are mentioned in the patch notes may become available on the EU servers at a later date, or they may be different in individual cases.


Wednesday, February 17th 2021, 11:38am



Heroic Adventures
Laboratory No. 731
  • Fixed a bug where the effects of Experimental Meldonium could continue to work after the expiration time.
  • Fixed a bug where the effects of forced movement on a number of NPC while they were using spells could cause them to cease further activity.
  • Negus Gangren: Fixed a bug that caused the Lethal Discharge ability to disfunction and result in the death of the group.
  • Electrogolem: Additional stabilization of the mechanics of the "Electro-ring" ability.

Important: Some features that are mentioned in the patch notes may become available on the EU servers at a later date, or they may be different in individual cases.


Wednesday, February 17th 2021, 11:38am



Heroic Adventures
Laboratory No. 731
  • The "Experimental Meldonium" effect now works correctly on characters with combat mechanisms and pets, and interacts with the effects of damage absorption.

Important: Some features that are mentioned in the patch notes may become available on the EU servers at a later date, or they may be different in individual cases.

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