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This post has been edited 3 times, last edit by "Drakdish" (Dec 13th 2018, 12:44pm)
why do you ignoring us ?Win easily, win stylishly with the new «Allods Online» Collector's Editions! Starting today, you have a chance to purchase the «Triumph» Collector's Edition and «Victory Day» Collector's Edition!
Check out these Collector's Editions video reviews from players McFirense and Kappa!
Don't miss the Collector's Editions Giveaway on our official Facebook pages!
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We'll also be hosting another Collector's Editions Giveaway on this channel: Vidgelo, so make sure to subscribe and come to the stream this Sunday!
Click on the link to learn more about the details.
you just made a competition with no@ Ousskaragul
You still have time to particiapte
Doesn't Lisad have job or Christmas too ?@Arushieru Everything that has Piled up since 24th of december to 10th of Janurary or so are being worked on, you dont know they Also have Vacation on Christmas like everyone else? You will understand if you have a Job.
@Arushieru Everything that has Piled up since 24th of december to 10th of Janurary or so are being worked on, you dont know they Also have Vacation on Christmas like everyone else? You will understand if you have a Job.