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Thursday, February 7th 2019, 3:36pm



  • "Lisad" started this thread

Posts: 553

Location: A galaxy far, far away

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Creative winter olympics 2019: Results!


Dear players! Thank you for participating in the Creative winter olympics ! All the entries were amazing and it was very hard to choose the winners, however here we want to present you with the results. All rewards will be sent out within a week.

German / Deutsch

Liebe Spieler, vielen Dank für eure Teilnahme an der kreativen Winterolympiade . Alle Beitrage sind großartig und es war sehr schwer, die Gewinner zu wählen. Hier sind die Ergebnisse. Alle Gewinne werden innerhalb einer Woche versendet.

French / Français

Chers joueurs! Merci d'avoir participé aux Olympiades hivernales de Créativité ! Toutes les réalisations étaient incroyables et il a été très difficile de choisir les gagnants, cependant nous voulons vous présenter les résultats. Toutes les récompenses seront envoyées dans une semaine.

Turkish / Türkçe

Sevgili Oyuncular! Yaratıcı Kış Olimpiyatları'na katıldığınız için teşekkür ederiz. Tüm gönderiler büyüleyiciydi ve kazananları seçerken çok zorlandık, ama sizlere sonuçları sunmak istiyoruz. Tüm ödüller bir hafta içinde dağıtılacaktır

This is how we do it

1 Place: Rave, Smugglers Paradise - 3000
2 Place: Tserek, Smugglers Paradise - 2000
3 Place: mmozeppe, Smugglers Paradise - 1000
Additional reward: Marmotteuh, Smugglers Paradise - 300

Zayan's Gallery
Digital art

1 Place: Efra, Smugglers Paradise - 10000
1 Place: Ludovic, Evolution - 10000
2 Place: Isidris, Evolution - 5000,
3 Place: Paradisos, Evolution - 3000
4 Place: Ayren, Smugglers Paradise - 1000
Additional reward: ZeroTolerance, Evolution - 500
Additional reward: mmozeppe, Smugglers Paradise - 500

Traditional art

1 Place: Eladrin, Evolution - 1000
2 Place: Rave, Smugglers Paradise - 500

Facebook page cover

1 Place: kallane, Smugglers Paradise - 5000
2 Place: Eladrin, Evolution - 3000

Winter Tune

1 Place: mmozeppe, Smugglers paradise - 7000
1 Place: Turcomankhan, Evolution - 7000
1 Place: Didge, Evolution - 7000
1 Place: Baby, Evolution - 7000

New Year's constructionism

1 Place: Tserek, Smugglers paradise - 8000
1 Place: Rave, Smugglers paradise - 8000
2 Place: FireWitch, Evolution - 5000
3 Place: Sigmar, Smugglers paradise - 3000
Allods Online Administration

This post has been edited 3 times, last edit by "Lisad" (Feb 8th 2019, 11:25am)


Friday, February 8th 2019, 11:46am



Posts: 54

Location: Finland

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Really nice event! Was fun participating in it especially with this many different categories!

Always fun playing with superglue and cardboard :D

Gz for all winners too!


Friday, February 8th 2019, 11:49am



Posts: 175

Location: Belgium

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I like how mutiple people actually got shared first place, some works were so gud in my opinion. Hard to choose the best really ;)
MMOseppe peace out! 8o


Friday, February 8th 2019, 11:51am

Thank u #AllodsTeam. :)


Friday, February 8th 2019, 3:32pm

Thanks a lot :)
you're welcome :thumbsup:

Didge - Evolution


Saturday, February 9th 2019, 4:14am

Thanks a bunch! Very cool of you to pick multiple 1st places :)

Gumboots / Ceres


Tuesday, February 12th 2019, 2:19pm

Posts: 67

Location: Czech Republic

Occupation: freelance artist

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I have to agree and I'm so honored! Thank you! <3 I personally didn't expect to claim first place together with such beautiful artwork done by Inferno!

Also congratz to everyone else! And thank you team for giving us a creative contest once again :D


Saturday, February 16th 2019, 3:03am

thank you very much...

When we get the reward?

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