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Tuesday, December 10th 2019, 3:34pm



  • "menzanima" started this thread

Posts: 162

Location: Germany

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Creative Winter Olympics 2019/20 - Gingerbread Gibberling entries [Closed]

Gingerbread Gibberling

Contest ended.


You love baking during the christmas time as much as we do? Then this is the perfect competition for you! The goal is to bake or create any kind of biscuits like cookies, a cake or whatever comes to your mind! It needs to look like something related to Allods in shape, decoration or other recognizable ways. Unfortunately we cant rate the taste of it, but we trust you there. Post a photo of our finished creation under this thread. The Confectioner of the most creative and beautiful dishes will be awarded with up to 7000 crystals

  • It has to be clear that it is based on Allods Online.
  • Make sure you provide a good quality photo of it.
  • It has to be an eatable biscuit of any kind, not a replication from another material. However, if you want to create something not eatable, you can participate in the Construction Contest.

The rules of this competition strongly forbid using other people's work, as well as the art that wasn't specifically made for this competition. Also, participants should occasionally check their private message on the forum, since the jury may ask additional informations towards your submission.

Post your submission to the Baking Contest under this post. To make things easier please use this template:

Name: Your In-game name
Server: The Server you're playing on
Image: The image you want to participate with

Good Luck!


Ihr liebt backen während der Weihnachtszeit genau so sehr wie wir? Dann ist dies der perfekte Wettbewerb für Euch! Das Ziel ist es etwas zu backen oder zuzubereiten, wie zum Beispiel Plätzchen, Kuchen, Lebkuchen oder was auch immer Euch einfällt! Es muss aber in Zusammenhang mit Allods stehen was die Form, Dekoration oder andere erkennbare Wege angeht. Leider können wir den Geschmack eurer Teilnahme nicht bewerten, aber wir vertrauen Euch was das angeht. Postet ein Foto eurer Kreation im dafür bestimmten Thread. Der Konditor des kreativsten und schönsten Gerichts wird mit bis zu 7000 Kristallen belohnt![/b]

  • Es muss eindeutig sein, dass es auf Allods Online basiert.
  • Stelle sicher das du ein Qualitativ gutes Foto zur Verfügung stellst.
  • Es muss etwas essbares sein wie Plätzchen, Lebkuchen, Kuchen etc., keine Nachbildung aus einem anderen Material. Wenn allerdings etwas nicht essbares basteln möchtest, kannst du beim Bastelwettbewerb teilnehmen.

Die Regeln dieses Wettbewerbs verbieten es ausdrücklich, die Kunst anderer Leute zu verwenden, sowie die Kunst, die nicht speziell für diesen Wettbewerb geschaffen wurde. Außerdem sollten die Teilnehmer gelegentlich ihre privaten Nachrichten im Forum überprüfen, da die Jury im Streitfall möglicherweise die Quelldateien Ihrer Arbeit anfordert.

Poste deine Teilnahme für den Bastelwettbewerb unter diesem Beitrag. Um den späteren Verlauf zu erleichtern, nutze bitte diese Vorlage:

Name: Dein In-game Name
Server: Der Server auf dem du spieslt
Image: Das Foto mit dem du teilnehmen möchtest.

Viel Glück!



Noel'de sen de bizim kadar pişirmeyi seviyor musun? O halde, bu senin için mükemmel bir yarışma! Amaç; kurabiye, kek veya aklınıza gelebilecek herhangi türden bir şey pişirmek veya yapmak! Şekil, dekorasyon veya diğer ayırt edici şekillerde Allods ile ilgili olarak görünmesi gerekir. Ne yazık ki, tadına puan veremeyiz ancak bu konuda size güveniyoruz. Bitmiş eserinizin fotoğrafını özel forum başlığının altında paylaşın. En yaratıcı ve güzel tatlıların pastacıları 7000 kristale kadar ödüllendirileceklerdir!

  • Allods Online ile ilgili olduğu belli olmalıdır.
  • İyi kalitede bir fotoğrafını sağladığınızdan emin olun.
  • Herhangi bir türden yenilebilir bir kurabiye olmalıdır; herhangi materyalden bir kopyası değil. Ancak, yenilenemeyen bir şey yaratmak isterseniz Maket Yarışması'na katılabilirsiniz.

Bu yarışmanın kuralları diğer insanların çalışmalarını ve özellikle bu yarışma için yapılmamış çalışmaları kullanmayı yasaklıyor. Ayrıca, katılımcılar forumdaki özel mesajlarını ara sıra kontrol etmelidir çünkü jüri anlaşmazlık durumunda kullandığınız materyallerin kaynağını isteyebilir.

Kurabiye Pişirme Yarışması için eserlerinizi bu konunun altında paylaşın. İşleri kolaylaştırmak için lütfen bu kalıbı kullanın:

Name: Karakterinizin oyun içi ismi
Server: Oynadığınız sunucu
Image: Katılmak istediğiniz resim

İyi şanslar!
In-game: Poloo • Faction: League • Server: Evolution
Best regards,
Allods Online Moderator Team

This post has been edited 3 times, last edit by "menzanima" (Jan 25th 2020, 12:03am)


Monday, December 30th 2019, 2:01pm

Name: Kuropatva

Server: P2P Smuggler's Paradise

Image: Who's that Pokemon? To finish my gingerbread i used chocolate, sugar mass on top , and sugar markers. Looks delicicious. :D

Behold to gingerbread Yasker.

and here is my inspiration:

Covered only with chocolate:

This post has been edited 6 times, last edit by "Kuropatva" (Jan 24th 2020, 12:09pm)


Wednesday, January 1st 2020, 12:20pm

Name: Goracepapu
Server: P2P Smuggler's Paradise
Image: Baby octulhu

This post has been edited 1 times, last edit by "menzanima" (Jan 1st 2020, 2:09pm)


Sunday, January 12th 2020, 3:43pm

Name : SonZhangLao
Server : Evolution
Image : Ailes Noires en pâte d'amande

Pour la recette :
- 200g de poudre d'amande
- 50g de sucre glace
- 3 cuillères à soupe de blanc d’œuf ( mieux vaut sortir l’œuf 1 jour à l'avance pour que ce soit bien liquide )
- 1 cuillère à café de charbon végétal
- 5 Gouttes d'huile essentielle d'amande amère ( ou plus si vous voulez plus de goût )

Mélanger la poudre d'amande et le sucre glace dans un saladier puis incorporer le charbon et mélanger le tout jusqu'à avoir une poudre homogène sans grumeaux. La couleur sera plus foncée après avoir mis l’œuf. Ajouter l'huile essentielle
Incorporer le blanc d’œuf et mélanger jusqu'à obtenir une pâte consistante et la bouler à la main. Si la couleur ne convient toujours pas, vous pouvez rajouter un peu de charbon et tout bien mélanger.
Ensuite sur une plaque de silicone mettre par portion la pâte et à l'aide d'un rouleau à pâtisserie bien l'aplatir. Pour que ce soit plus facile, vous pouvez replier la plaque de silicone afin que le rouleau de touche pas directement la pâte.
Il ne reste plus qu'à faire les formes souhaitées, personnellement je n'avais pas de moule donc j'ai découpé à l'aide d'un couteau et c'est même mieux car ça ne fait pas des plumes identiques, mais vous pouvez utiliser un moule.
Il ne reste plus qu'à le manger.
Vous pouvez l'utiliser en décoration sur un gâteau, le manger avec des fruits ( des pruneaux par exemple mais n'importe quel fruit convient ) ou sinon le manger comme ça comme du chocolat c'est très bon.

Ps : J'ai demandé un avis à quelqu'un et il a cru que j'avais mis la pâte à-même le sol pour prendre la photo, mais il y a bien une plaque de silicone entre les 2, la table étant très foncée je trouvais que ça faisait sombre pour prendre la photo


Sunday, January 12th 2020, 9:04pm

Name: Pinda
Server: Evolution
Image: Little Gibberling

I tried my best.

Think of the gummies as Christmas lights decoration because ofcourse i'm that creative :)
u_9160438 has attached the following image:
  • 450e8a10-9e5d-44d0-b20e-a058294e7935.jpg


Wednesday, January 15th 2020, 7:49pm



Posts: 24

Location: Turkey

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Name: Muezzin
Server: Evolution
Image: Santana Orcy Creamy Cake

And Same Cake Diffrent Style... :P


-Whipped Cream/Krem şanti
-C Whipped Cream/Kakaolu krem şanti
-Baking powder for the cake/pasta için kabartma tozu
- and some love.../ve biraz sevgi...

Bon Appetit...

Afiyet Olsun...

This post has been edited 2 times, last edit by "ALTAYHAN" (Jan 16th 2020, 10:19am)


Thursday, January 16th 2020, 8:05am

Name: Phaerl
Server: P2P Smugglers Paradise

This post has been edited 7 times, last edit by "menzanima" (Jan 16th 2020, 7:14pm)


Saturday, January 18th 2020, 8:21pm

Name: Manna

Server : Smugglers Paradise

This post has been edited 2 times, last edit by "menzanima" (Jan 18th 2020, 9:00pm)


Sunday, January 19th 2020, 3:00pm

Happy three gibberlings

Name: pasidaips

Server : Smugglers Paradise


Tuesday, January 21st 2020, 1:43pm



Posts: 4

Occupation: Logo Designer

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Bearded gibberling cookie with icing :)

Name : Strelka

Server : Evolution

Image step 1 :

Image step 2 :

Image step 3 :

Final Image :
- A r t N o u v e a u -

This post has been edited 1 times, last edit by "menzanima" (Jan 21st 2020, 1:49pm)


Wednesday, January 22nd 2020, 10:48am

Name: Dragagon
Server: Smuggler's Paradise
Reward: Marks of Accomplishments

Skeleton Mage

My favourite Allods image, Tep's face.

This post has been edited 2 times, last edit by "Dragagon" (Jan 22nd 2020, 11:00am)


Wednesday, January 22nd 2020, 8:54pm



Posts: 43

Location: Syria

Occupation: Student

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a cake in the shape of the warden Symbol
decorated with pink cream and some gummy turtles
name : Scavenger
Server: Evolution

مُشْرِف سَابِقْ في اللودز العَرَبِيّة


Wednesday, January 22nd 2020, 10:28pm

How to get your patronage symbol blessing outside the game?
Name: Titanium
Server: F2P
Image: baked Capery patronage symbol, holidays edition.

Bring It On! Cuz I'm Just Gonna Grow Up In The Battle HEY !!

Timed Artifacts: The hidden value
Blanks In Chat?


Thursday, January 23rd 2020, 1:17pm

Oyuncu Adı : Zaptus

Sunucu : Evolution


( Yaptığım kurabiyenin adımlarını resimlerin altındaki linklerden bakabilirsiniz :thumbsup: )

<img src="" alt="7BlJba.jpg" title="7BlJba.jpg" style="font-size: 0.8em;" />

Yapılış :



This post has been edited 1 times, last edit by "VAPTUS" (Jan 23rd 2020, 10:13pm)


Friday, January 24th 2020, 5:52pm

Magic Mosaic Cookies!

Name: Sule
Server: Evolution

Become the proud owner of a unique vehicle cookies!
you can get Antique Mosaic Cookies, Ancient Mosaic Cookies, or Magic Mosaic Cookies ^^

here pick one :

And now, Findout what you get!! ^^

that is all from me, hope you guys like it :)
#LoveAllods <3

This post has been edited 2 times, last edit by "razardi" (Jan 24th 2020, 8:14pm)

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