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This post has been edited 2 times, last edit by "Wraith02" (May 22nd 2014, 6:28pm)
The drop rate is incredibly low ; and the prices are insane .Pretty much disappointed ... I guess would be too easy if we could buy some of those mounts via Boutique with a clear price but nooh...well its all about the luck and how much money you pump on it ...never in our advantage .![]()
The drop rate is incredibly low ; and the prices are insane .Pretty much disappointed ... I guess would be too easy if we could buy some of those mounts via Boutique with a clear price but nooh...well its all about the luck and how much money you pump on it ...never in our advantage .
The drop rate is incredibly low ; and the prices are insane .Pretty much disappointed ... I guess would be too easy if we could buy some of those mounts via Boutique with a clear price but nooh...well its all about the luck and how much money you pump on it ...never in our advantage .![]()
As with every strongbox, that is an option. Just wait a few days, there will be mounts in the AH, buy gold and buy the mount. Don't gamble if you don't want to.