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Thursday, January 9th 2020, 1:00am

my damage "absorbed" how, why?

I saw at battleground "absorbed"
I turned on the combat log and checket at the Dummy:

Why do players absorb my damage?


Thursday, January 9th 2020, 7:29pm

are you lowlevel? If your level is low some of your damage will "vanish"

had the dummy had a statereset? (i dont think so as it said out of combat only once at the end of your log but if you hit multiple targets maybe one had a reset and the other one kept you in combat, hats why i ask)


Thursday, January 9th 2020, 9:10pm

Paladin, Cleric, Demon, Engineer have some abilitis giving them + temporary health, if you hit that temporary health it's called "absorbed"

if somone got that temporary health, you usualy see white second bar in up of health

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