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Thursday, February 20th 2020, 5:50pm

New player

hello everyone,

I've started playing, empire side, but, during leveling, I didn't meet anyone. Is server still alive?

and, 2nd question pls, are there italian players?

tyvm in advance for your feedback. :)


Thursday, February 27th 2020, 12:09pm

any info on server status? im tempted to see if its worth going back and trying again


Thursday, February 27th 2020, 12:58pm

I have no info about the Empire, but League side there's more than enough people to play with


Sunday, March 1st 2020, 12:10am



Posts: 1

Location: Hungary

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Yes, it is alive. Playing on League side tho, so I do not have information either on IMP side.
However, pretty much there is more than enough content for each side, as I experienced.

To be fair, todays' MMORPG standards are mostly instanced content based. Even todays WoW feels like an empty map. It's true that you can feel it had rough times, and requires more players, but just join in one of the faction main guilds, and have fun with orthers. You will mostly do grouped content in the end with your guildies only anyway.

Have fun, if you decide to join us! :)


Sunday, March 1st 2020, 3:36pm



Posts: 520

Location: Sweden

Occupation: Studying

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id say more on lig side, but ppl on imp ofc but questing is lonely :D
I am PioPico

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