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Thursday, March 19th 2020, 1:03am

About Adaptive Shells...

Hello, everybody, i've been wanting to do this thread for quite a long time now but due to laziness i didn't till now.

This is my adaptive shell:

Here on the stable with the mounts i got:

My HP atm is 11.4K, but i saw people with-- idk, 30K i think. So i started asking what do i need to get that much HP and this is where Titanium (PunisherShy) enters: he told me about getting them UPGRADES and that the third (III) one was the best in terms of how much HP was able to give to your shell. Idk if i'm right or wrong here, because there are at least 3 upgrades-- idk the entire thing and that's why i'm doing this thread: TO AVOID F***ING UP.

So i got it...

... and it's been there (on my bag) for literally months now, testament on how much i don't want to mess this up.

So i want to know WHAT'S NEXT?, what do i have to do to get my shell more HP...

Also, Mr Titanium gave me these two... "abilities" i guess?--

And he also told me about getting others also but at that point i was so lost... and i told him "this is way too much info for me atm..."

Anyways-- what's next?, can i use the "Upgrade III"?, there are red words and i thought i might need the other 2 upgrades also... do i?

And what about those abilities?, can i use them?

Thanks, guys and thanks Mr Titanium.


Thursday, March 19th 2020, 6:06am

use the upgrade 3 to boost the shell's HP and to be able to use 2 augmentations (offensive skills), you don't need up2 or 1 because they're outdated. those skill can be changed to design packs and to whatever you want to module=> defensive skill, Augmentation=> offensive skills (can have 2 of them at the same time when you use any upgrade project but the 3 will give the max boost to the shell HP). read the skills and pick what you like the opportunists augmentation is a passive that has a chance of it being triggered in combat for few seconds with a low cooldown ( like the wizard trinket), there are some skills that are triggered manually ( good for burst timing either to attack or to defend) and few of them are triggered when the shell pops, and you have the commander augmentation that boosts the augmentations for all team members by a %age depending on the augmentation level. also to active the skills or to change between them you need "Memory Module" 5 per exchange, you can buy them from the boutique for super high price, or from 3v3 NPC for emblem, or you can pm I'll give you a few. Also each time the skills are activated they consume mana batteries or a charge from the shell buff ( each 20 charge= 1 mana battery) all augmentation cost either of those except the commander and the titan augmentation as far as I know.

Bring It On! Cuz I'm Just Gonna Grow Up In The Battle HEY !!

Timed Artifacts: The hidden value
Blanks In Chat?


Thursday, March 19th 2020, 6:10am

I'd suggest you checkout these threads you might find them helpful, but keep in mind that they are from previous boxes and the max augmentation level(no of shells we have) was lower, still they'll help you get a better understanding to the adaptive shell and how it does work.

Bring It On! Cuz I'm Just Gonna Grow Up In The Battle HEY !!

Timed Artifacts: The hidden value
Blanks In Chat?

This post has been edited 1 times, last edit by "PunisherSy" (Mar 19th 2020, 6:18am)


Friday, March 20th 2020, 2:42pm



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To increase HP further, and get Abilitys upgraded in ranks u will need to get the other Armors and Destroy them using the Hammer from same event (adaptive converter, its cheap) the more shells you destroy the better ur adaptive armor becomes with a max of the number of armor there is (rank 10 on offensive abilitys) also u have to have the armor in stables before using the adaptive converter on it.

atm HP of a maxed out Adaptive is 86832hp
I am PioPico


Monday, March 23rd 2020, 7:06pm

So that's that... cause i feel kinda demotivated by the whole thing... for now, ray mentioned something about destroying shells to improve abilities, which is something i read months ago on one of the threads titanium shared. It sounds like i'm gonna have to spend a lot of gold and idk how and why will i do that, how much will i improve after spending that much gold. The gold situation atm it's pretty chaotic, idk how much will i make after improving my gear-- it's a thing now with the hard nerf they did to it (gold).

I'm gonna leave it like that for the moment, thanks guys for the help, i really appreciate it, take care.


Tuesday, March 24th 2020, 4:08am



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my suggestion i said on a post long ago about this same thing was, if ur not planning on getting all shells to improve ranking on shell, just get one of the latest ones cuz that will be much better
I am PioPico


Monday, April 6th 2020, 5:37pm

my suggestion i said on a post long ago about this same thing was, if ur not planning on getting all shells to improve ranking on shell, just get one of the latest ones cuz that will be much better
I'm planing on getting a new one as soon as posible, that is, i'm gonna wait till you guys respond to be sure about what i'm gonna do.

I'm not gonna get all shells because it sounds ludicrous now, so i'm about to do just that: getting one of the lastest ones.

But which ones are those?... i also got the Upgrade IV...

It's been on my bag for days now but i didn't have time to ask what to do.

So i want a new shell and i have that upgrade already... what's next?

Thank you guys for the feedback.


Tuesday, April 7th 2020, 2:13am

The "best" skill is from basic colossus shell as its passive and requires no manabatteries (damagebonus & healbonus)
if you want to get he assaultshell-thing done on a budget-way i recommend to get a colossus as basic shell

if you have the adaptive shell aswell then get upgrade project IV thing to get more HP
if you use the adaptive shell you do not have the skill any longer (unless you get the augmentations) but more HP and lets be honest, the skills of the assaultshells are not what decides a batles outcome so nothing of value is lost


Tuesday, April 7th 2020, 1:57pm

The "best" skill is from basic colossus shell as its passive and requires no manabatteries (damagebonus & healbonus)
if you want to get he assaultshell-thing done on a budget-way i recommend to get a colossus as basic shell

Getting Colossus for it's skill is pointless anyways. It is shell 5 generations older than current one so it doesn't have enough hp to let you use those skills. If you meant using colossus as a base for adaptive one then it completely doesn't matter. You can change augmentation/module type any time before using it.

just get one of the latest ones cuz that will be much better

This is not entirely true. All shelll older than current and previous generation have not enough hp to make some real profit from using them. It means you will need to buy new shell every time next generation is released if you stick to previous gen (cheaper option) or every 2 releases if you get newest one.
Adaptive shell with limited functionality (only hp and speed bonus) can be kept up to date with just upgrade projects. Making it's skills useful will require much more investment but partial upgrade can be done relatively cheap as oldest armor are not very expensive.

I'm not gonna get all shells because it sounds ludicrous now, so i'm about to do just that: getting one of the lastest ones.

But which ones are those?... i also got the Upgrade IV...

From newest: Overlord, Devourer, Bastion, Exarkh, Rakshas, Colossus.
Anything older than Deveourer will not have enough hp to make any difference. Probably Bastion can help a it but not very much.
Upgrade Project IV sets base hp of adaptive shell at Overlord level regardless of shell used as base to create it. Previous upgrade projects are not required - only latest one (IV).

So i want a new shell and i have that upgrade already... what's next?

Use Adaptive Core on any shell in stable - even oldest one is enough. Then use this Upgrade to boost it's hp up. Then work to get more shells to upgrade it's skills. Adaptive Core can be bought from this sale or you get free one for completing one of battleground reputations - Tycoons.

OR: Buy Overlord or Devourer and keep fully developed armor with skills until one of future releases makes it to weak and then convert into adaptive one.

Edit: Overlord is around 80-85% hp increase compared to Devourer.

This post has been edited 1 times, last edit by "ertil" (Apr 7th 2020, 2:26pm)


Tuesday, April 7th 2020, 6:33pm

Getting Colossus for it's skill is pointless anyways. It is shell 5 generations older than current one so it doesn't have enough hp to let you use those skills. If you meant using colossus as a base for adaptive one then it completely doesn't matter. You can change augmentation/module type any time before using it.

Low hp is correct but the skill (vulnerability to the enemy) is activated automatically upon destruction of the armor plus the heal up skill is triggered by the same event so it does serve its purpose


Wednesday, April 8th 2020, 3:20pm

I'm so lost in this thread atm...
From newest: Overlord, Devourer, Bastion, Exarkh, Rakshas, Colossus.
Anything older than Deveourer will not have enough hp to make any difference. Probably Bastion can help a it but not very much.
Upgrade Project IV sets base hp of adaptive shell at Overlord level regardless of shell used as base to create it. Previous upgrade projects are not required - only latest one (IV).
What?, the ones that really make the difference are the most expensive shells atm?, i can't afford that.

Now i'm able to get Bastion, Exarkh, Rakshas and another Colossus.

And i keep reading from Ray and other posts that Titanium linked, that, after getting a new shell i can destroy the oldest one and get the newest one that i just get, more hp-- "i keep reading"... that's what i'm gathering from it: get a new shell, destroy the oldest to get the newest more hp... and i guess THEN using the upgrade (in this case the IV) to improve it a little more...

Am i wrong about this whole assessment?

Also, i don't care about abilities atm.

Thanks guys.


Wednesday, April 8th 2020, 4:25pm

Yes. You are wrong.
1. You get new shell, use it until it gets obsolete. Any previous and obsolete shells can be used as kind of costumes sometime and you can't use them to improve new shell in any way.
2. You get just any shell, use Adaptive Core to convert it into adaptive shell, use latest Upgrade Project to make it's hp equal to new shell just released, use any amount of other shell types to improve rank of shell skills.

There are basic shells - all those with names. Each newer one has more hp, different skills and is COMPLETE shell. No possibility for any upgrades.

Adaptive Shell which is another thing - you use Adaptive Core to convert some of basic shells into adaptive one. This one is can be upgraded. Adaptive Cores were released with Exarkh (…inventor-031218) and adaptive shell hp is equal to that of Exarkh shell. Just 3 days later (so sales were going together for most time) they released first Upgrade project to add 3rd skill slot for it:…ilable-boutique. With each new shell release they were also releasing Upgrade Project with subsequent number to make adaptive shell's hp equal to new one: UP 2 with Bastion, UP 3 with Devourer and UP 4 now with Overlord.

What?, the ones that really make the difference are the most expensive shells atm?,

Yes. Only 2 most expensive ones make some real difference but only when you use them as they are.
When you use Adaptive Shell there is completely no difference which shell you use now. Any shell you use as base will get destroyed and new Adaptive Shell will always have hp equal to that of Exarkh. Any Upgrade Project you use will unlock 3rd slot for skill and set hp equal to shell released with it. UP 4 at level of Overlord. Destroying other shell types only increase rank for shell skills - makes them more effective. Bonus is given once per type - so using second Colossus for example gives you only some materials and has no effect on armor stats (shell used to create adaptive also is counted).

If you plan to use complete armor with skills - you need one of most expensive.
Going for adaptive - it is better to start with oldest hence cheapest ones because you can improve skills more with them. Only difference between armor types is shell skin you unlock with it. Getting different skill module doesn't count as you can change it freely now.


Tuesday, April 21st 2020, 8:46pm

I'm still lost at this whole thing, sorry guys.

But i got a devourer shell...

And, like i said, i have the "upgrade IV"... you guys told me the devourer was the second best shell atm (the other one was too expensive atm), i got it and i want to know what's next now that i have both the upgrade IV and the shell?, do i have to get another "adaptive shell" for this mount?, gotta get another stable also?

Thanks guys.


Wednesday, April 22nd 2020, 12:07pm



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if u have adaptive shell, you "destroy" the other armors u have, must be in stable, to make adaptive stronger with a adaptive converter, drops from event or can be bought in cash shop each armor increases rank on adaptive skills/Hp, like for example the Dps skill, that increases x.x% increased dmg for 10 sec, can procc every 40 sec, rank 1 lets say is 8%(dont know exact number), r2 r3 r4 r5 it will increase with each armor u destroy from stables, becoming stronger r10 was 17.5% i think. but if u would have had the armor that gave that skill it would be 15% and less HP than a ranked up adaptive shell.
I am PioPico


Thursday, April 23rd 2020, 7:42pm

i got it and i want to know what's next now that i have both the upgrade IV and the shell?, do i have to get another "adaptive shell" for this mount?, gotta get another stable also?

You have several option now:
1. Leave this shell in stable and use it. Upgrade project can't be used on it. This is complete shell with all skills working.

2. Obtain "Adaptive Core" item - either buy from AH or get free for completing battleground Tycoon's reputation. When you use Adaptive Core you destroy Devourer shell you have in stable and convert it into Adaptive Shell. New Adaptive Shell will have HP equal to 2 generations older than your armor Exarkh shell. At this point you use Upgrade Project IV to increase it's hp to current generation (Overlord) level. Result - armor with more hp than Devourer but skills with greatly reduced efficiency because they are rank 1. To improve skills you need to consume other armor types - 1 rank up per 1 armor type consumed.
Personały i would not recommend this option.

3. Obtain "Adaptive Core" AND another Assault Shell - some of oldest and cheapest ones. Put this old shell in stable, use Adaptive Core on it and then Upgrade Project IV.
Result: you will have 2 armors. Devourer with usable skills and Adaptive with worse skills but higher hp. Then you can test both and chose better one for each situation.
If you feel you don't need Devourer you can use "Adaptive Converter" to consume it and increase Adaptive Armor skill to r2 or you can wait with destroying Devourer until it become to weak to be useful anymore after next generation release.


Friday, April 24th 2020, 12:34am



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a fully ranked up adaptive have 165530 hp
I am PioPico


Friday, April 24th 2020, 2:21pm

With hp boost passive augmentation which strangely vanished from conversion menu of augmentations this time.


Saturday, April 25th 2020, 1:03am



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which should be fixed in the next hotfix
I am PioPico


Tuesday, April 28th 2020, 12:07am

You have several option now:
1. Leave this shell in stable and use it. Upgrade project can't be used on it. This is complete shell with all skills working.
Leave what?, the colossus is on the stable already, i want to know what can i do with the devourer that's still in my bag, along with the upgrade IV... also, you are not telling me the stable thing: do i have to get another slot in my stable for the devourer mount?
2. Obtain "Adaptive Core" item - either buy from AH or get free for completing battleground Tycoon's reputation. When you use Adaptive Core you destroy Devourer shell you have in stable and convert it into Adaptive Shell. New Adaptive Shell will have HP equal to 2 generations older than your armor Exarkh shell. At this point you use Upgrade Project IV to increase it's hp to current generation (Overlord) level. Result - armor with more hp than Devourer but skills with greatly reduced efficiency because they are rank 1. To improve skills you need to consume other armor types - 1 rank up per 1 armor type consumed.
Personały i would not recommend this option.
Ok, i'll ignore this option then.
3. Obtain "Adaptive Core" AND another Assault Shell - some of oldest and cheapest ones. Put this old shell in stable, use Adaptive Core on it and then Upgrade Project IV.
Result: you will have 2 armors. Devourer with usable skills and Adaptive with worse skills but higher hp. Then you can test both and chose better one for each situation.
If you feel you don't need Devourer you can use "Adaptive Converter" to consume it and increase Adaptive Armor skill to r2 or you can wait with destroying Devourer until it become to weak to be useful anymore after next generation release.
Wait,i think you are jumping way ahead: the Devourer is still on my bag, i didn't use it. Now, i got a bunch of adaptive cores (got 55 for 60kg i think) and i'll need another shell (and an old one will do it). But i think you are forgetting about buying another slot on the stable, right?. I hate having to spend my gold on it, so i want to be clear about that.

And at that, i will still have my shell with colossus skin and its 30k hp?...

At this point i just want to know how to use the devourer with what i have and get on with it: what do i need and forget about the ranks, i don't care... ok, i do care, but i don't have enough gold atm so i don't want to hear about it.


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