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Spring Celebration 2020 - Entries

Spring Celebration 

Despite the current conditions, Sarnaut remains one of the few worlds that is spared by the Covid-19. The Elves and Gibberlings never strutted so much through the Wood of Light, it is the same in Nezebgrad with the Orcs who can’t stop juggling with the goblins. We; therefore, invite all the characters from Sarnaut to celebrate Easter with us!
To do this, simply take a screenshot of your character in a situation representing the spirit of the Easter holiday. The three most suitable screenshots will be rewarded. Only screenshots will be accepted.
- Only non modified screenshots will be accepted.
- Only one image per character.
- Stay in line with the Easter holiday theme.
- The participations are multi-server
- During your participation indicate your main avatar name, your level as well as your game server.
Post your submission to the Contest under this post. To make things easier please use this template:
Name: Your In-game name
Server: The Server you're playing on
Image: The image you want to participate with
Good Luck!

Trotz der derzeitigen Bedingungen ist Sarnaut eine der wenigen Welten, die von Covid-19 verschont bleiben. Elfen und Gibberlinge sind noch nie so sehr durch die Lichten Wälder stolziert. In Nezebgrad können die Orks nicht aufhören, mit Kobolden zu jonglieren. Wir laden deshalb alle Charakteure aus Sarnaut ein, mit uns Ostern zu feiern!
Macht dazu einfach einen Screenshot eures Charakters in einer Situation, die den Geist des Osterfestes repräsentiert. Die drei passensten Screenshots werden belohnt. Es werden nur Screenshots akzeptiert.
- Nur nicht modifizierte Screenshots werden akzeptiert.
- Nur ein Bild pro Account.
- Das Thema der Osterfeiertage sollte Berücksichtigung finden.
- Teilnahmen sind Server übergreifend.
- Gebt bei eurem Beitrag den Namen eures Hauptcharakteurs an, euer Level und auf welchem Server ihr spielt.
Poste deine Teilnahme für den Wettbewerb unter diesem Beitrag. Um den späteren Verlauf zu erleichtern, nutze bitte diese Vorlage:
Name: dein Name im Spiel
Server: Der Server auf dem du spielst
Image: Das Bild mit dem du teilnehmen möchtest
Viel Glück!

Malgré les conditions actuelles, Sarnaut reste l'un des rares mondes épargné par le Covid-19. Les Elfes et les Gibberlings ne se sont jamais autant pavanés dans les Bois de Lumière, tout comme les Orcs dans Nezebgrab qui ne peuvent s'arrêter de jongler avec les goblins.Par conséquent, nous invitons tous les personnages de Sarnaut à célébrer Pâque avec nous!
Pour cela, prenez simplement une capture d'écran de votre personnage dans une situation représentant l'esprit des vacances de Pâque. Les 3 captures d'écran les plus adaptées seront récompensées. Seul les captures d'écran seront acceptées.
- Seules les captures d'écran non modifiées seront acceptées.
- Seulement une image par personnage.
- Restez dans l'esprit du thème des vacances de Pâque.
- Les participations sont inter-serveur.
- Pendant votre participation, veuillez indiquer le nom de votre personnage principal, votre niveau ainsi que votre serveur.
Postez votre candidature au concours sous ce post. Pour faciliter les choses, veuillez utiliser ce modèle:
Name: Votre Pseudo en Jeu
Server: Le serveur de votre personnage
Image: L'image avec laquelle vous souhaitez participer
Bonne chance!

Şu anki şartlara göre, Sarnaut Covid-19'dan etkilenmeyen birkaç dünyadan bir tanesi. Elfler ve Bodurlar, Aydınlak Orman'da hiç bu kadar fazla yürümemiş, Nezebgrad'daki Orklar goblinleri hokkabazlık için hiç bu kadar kullanmamıştı. Bu nedenle, Sarnaut'taki tüm oyuncuları bizimle birlikte Paskalya'yı kutlamaya davet ediyoruz!
Katılmak için yalnızca Paskalya Bayramı'nın ruhunu temsil eden bir durumda karakterinizin ekran görüntüsünü alın. Yalnızca ekran görüntüleri kabul edilecek olup en uygun üç ekran görüntüsü ödüllendirilecektir.
- Yalnızca düzenlenmemiş ekran görüntüleri kabul edilecektir.
- Her oyuncu yalnızca bir ekran görüntüsüyle katılabilir.
- Paskalya Bayramı temasıyla ilgili olmalıdır.
- Her iki sunucudaki oyuncular katılımda bulunabilir.
- Katılım sırasında; karakter isminizi, seviyenizi ve oynadığınız sunucuyu belirtmeyi unutmayın.
Resim Yarışması için eserlerinizi bu konunun altında paylaşın. İşleri kolaylaştırmak için lütfen bu kalıbı kullanın:
Name: Karakterinizin oyun içi ismi
Server: Oynadığınız sunucu
Image: Katılmak istediğiniz resim
İyi şanslar!
Easter Event
Smuggler Paradise
La découverte du GIANT KINDER SURPRISE !!
Easter event

Smuggler Paradise
Readdy to make some chocolate eggs
Easter Event
Vain lvl90 Smugglers Paradise
Swiper no swiping you're too late
This post has been edited 3 times, last edit by "Ousskaragul" (Apr 9th 2020, 2:59pm)
Smuggler Paradise
Smuggler Paradise
This post has been edited 1 times, last edit by "Himeruss" (Apr 9th 2020, 2:25pm)

Aerialls/90/smurrglers paradise
This post has been edited 5 times, last edit by "Baturapboy" (Apr 9th 2020, 2:43pm)
Name : Dory
Server : Evolution
Name: Pinda
Server: Evolution
Gibberling friends protecting eggs from demon
This post has been edited 2 times, last edit by "u_9160438" (Apr 10th 2020, 11:09am)
Name: Poussin
Server: Smugglers Paradide - League
Here is my participation for the Spring Celebration 2020 Event.
Name : Yaroslavna (level 90)
Server : Evolution
Rabbits are mad this easter! Side effect of the virus?
I prefer to be bad in game rather than being a trash in real life
This post has been edited 1 times, last edit by "Vickie Lynn" (Apr 12th 2020, 2:04am)
Darkness has fallen by the Light of The Church with Spring!
Happy Easter 2020!
Name: Astafieva
Server: Evolution/League/Level 90
Edit: Reuploaded same image to another site by showing problems via Imgur.
This post has been edited 2 times, last edit by "u_32561072" (Apr 16th 2020, 2:48pm)
Player: CyberFawx
Server: Smugglers Paradise (P2P)
Happy Easter everyone I know its a trying time at this moment and some people are going though it rougher then most but I wish everyone the best. (Now dont eat to many Chocolate Bunnies)
(I know its not super Easter themed but I saw everyone was taking a photo of the same eggs and I found this costume to best suit the easter theme and the colors of the area in the background matched._
Blood sucker