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Any 11.0 PvP Builds?
I know bards are not the dominating class in PvP at the moment, but i love this class and enjoy playing it anyway. Are there any bard veterans out there that know some of the current builds?
Ive done some reaserch and most builds focus on the old temporal acceleration that gave class CD reduction but its no longer the case. If theres any Support and Assault builds please let me know here.
Thanks in advance
I haven't played bard for a while long now, but he haven't changed, Engi got buffed. Still you can do a support pvp build with a burst using your buffs.
support in general is gonna get nerfed in 11.1 which will be in 6Months or even more.
all u need to do is put power, instead of the temporal acceleration, well, pretty much
I am PioPico
What about Assault or more damage oriented PvP builds? Are they viable or is there even one?
I would say Ass is pretty squishy for pvp and ur burst are cancellable (cast time) so its Meh unless u go Flying Blade Disharmony spam, support Bard is atleast Tanky, unless it keeps getting dispelled but less dmg ofc, but can still do decent.
I am PioPico