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Saturday, July 11th 2020, 5:55am

Is new player still come to Allods often ?

I played Allods 9 years ago , i remember the game is heavily on role play so the question is are there still player in the low low level zone / dungeon ? i seriously dont wanna play alone in early game :))


Saturday, July 11th 2020, 7:06pm



Posts: 522

Location: Sweden

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I see some, but not alot, and Id say cuz it takes way less time to level than in the old days so
I am PioPico


Saturday, July 11th 2020, 7:13pm

i regularly see new players around and get new disciples from mentorprogram (doing mentorquest with one of them right now, he is already level 84)
have seen some pairs of 2 leveling together aswell

for dungeons you dont need players as you can summon mercenaries (press P and select mercenary contract)
if you know what to do wou will be max level within a few days. veterans might do it in one day, rookies might take a week depending on how long they play per day


Sunday, July 12th 2020, 7:38am

Oh wow mercenaries ? welp there gotta be changes for the past 9 YEARSSSS xD , i really want to play in the p2p server. Just scared that im gonna regret later on when no one is around


Sunday, July 12th 2020, 8:36pm

Oh wow mercenaries ? welp there gotta be changes for the past 9 YEARSSSS xD , i really want to play in the p2p server. Just scared that im gonna regret later on when no one is around

i was lucky, when i started the game 8 years ago, one day there was a large banner on the launcher says "mercenaries are here" or something showing all of them

the day before the patch i hit XAES and thought about stopping to play this game as i dont want to be dependent on other players to reach my goals (would not have stopped anyway as you could just skip these quests and grind for levelup and then take a higher quest)

pick your decision on what server to play wise, accounts can not be transferred between servers


Monday, July 13th 2020, 5:13am


Oh wow mercenaries ? welp there gotta be changes for the past 9 YEARSSSS xD , i really want to play in the p2p server. Just scared that im gonna regret later on when no one is around

ther is whole guild to help you in p2p, same as discord (wher are leauge and empires togheter)

if you have any wories you can ask some questions ther before you pay for sub, but in most cases it's more worth than in f2p, as in f2p you have alot p2w stuff that you a) need farm for long time) b) can't count on 2 hands

p2p more rewarding you for play content, f2p rewarding you more for farming gold in short if you will to ask what diference is


are there still player in the low low level zone / dungeon ? i seriously dont wanna play alone in early game :))

no thers are not in f2p/p2p 99% ppl are full lv, until that you treat that game as singleplayer witcher game with some co-rp if you need any help with boss or quest or you lv up with gf/bf or fiend togheter

it's mostly becose once you complite that maps you don't have anythink to do that you need back on them

but even if you play alone, it's worth, lore is fun, same as maps and story behinde them

This post has been edited 8 times, last edit by "Noah1" (Jul 13th 2020, 5:29am)


Monday, July 13th 2020, 3:23pm

the day before the patch i hit XAES and thought about stopping to play this game as i dont want to be dependent on other players to reach my goals

Purely curious, what did you think when you installed an mmorpg game? That it would be a single player game and that "massive Multiplayer Online" is a gimmick in the game's genre? That devs making mmo's tend to code for a single player population?


Tuesday, July 14th 2020, 9:35am

the day before the patch i hit XAES and thought about stopping to play this game as i dont want to be dependent on other players to reach my goals

Purely curious, what did you think when you installed an mmorpg game? That it would be a single player game and that "massive Multiplayer Online" is a gimmick in the
game's genre? That devs making mmo's tend to code for a single player population?

honestly? i was browsing the internet for erotic / lewd games & images and thought "the lesbian elves with garterbelts are damn sexy" (still use this picture as my avatar here - i have a kink for sexy elves), i want to see if this is just some clickbait ad or if this is legit a progressive internetgame with lewd content
was disappointed by elves not having garterbelts anymore,still played a bit due to pretty characters and nice gamemechanics. stayed for lootpet ( i come from diablo 2), superiority, farming and a lot of other things

what really made me want to stay for a LONG time at least was my asee teph experience. saw players onehitting others, including me. thought "wow you can get so powerful in this game, i wanna try that aswell"
and you did not even lose anything when you die, you keep all your gear, items... wonderful
got even more excited when i found out you can farm EVERYTHING (played some game before with actual paywalls meaning no amount of farming can get you certain things - games were so good i still played them)

i thought there would be a lot (MASSES) of players willing to trade or buy my items from auctions and i also hoped for a lot of casualplayers which i can playerkill in an easy way as my playstyle will get me superior due to investing more time, maybe along with rants from those i killed how unfair this game is and so on (players who blame others for their own fault have the highest entertainmentfactor)

- and i pretty much got what i hoped for more than i expected; thus i am so happy with allods and still play this since 9 years now
i only miss the black garterbelts lingerie for the elves (NSFW link: ) and the old (pretty!!) lisa de vevre :love:

i want the other player, but for PVP & trading, not for PVE
playing against a computerenemy is and always has been a singleplayertask for me

same as i dont get any pleasure from playing with other players against the AI in strategygames or shootergames; i want to battle the players, not the AIso in short, the multiplayer is an optional feature for me, i only enjoy the versus gamemode and if the picture with the elves hasnt been around i would have very likely never played this game ever

This post has been edited 4 times, last edit by "ALLODS-ONLINE-PLAYER" (Jul 14th 2020, 9:47am)


Tuesday, July 14th 2020, 10:21am

About the solo play or the mercenaries nah , i came to MMO for the friends and party and dungeon and dying try hard struggling together with low level guild. If i wanna play alone there is plenty of great single player RPG out there with outstanding stories and gameplay.
My story 9 years ago :
The game contracted and release in my country Viet Nam
-The Chaos faction player all join 1 single guild, knowing everyone in the whole faction and helping each other like a giantic familly, really heart warming time.
-The Order faction however is split into many guild, some of them dont like each other , some have scandal and shit, trashtalk at each other for farm spot. Jezzz stupid humans xD
-When we have a war between 2 faction the Order faction have to gather all guild to defense against 1 chaos guild xD, True Great War Demon vs Human in the fantasies


Friday, July 17th 2020, 2:06am

very few new player, most are second char own by veteran player . IMO
3 months in game , I found you will be alone in low level.
some my real friend quit berore reach max level.


Friday, July 17th 2020, 12:09pm



Posts: 522

Location: Sweden

Occupation: Studying

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Like ive said, ppl who play alot will be max lvl in a day or a few, thats why u dont see alot of ppl
I am PioPico


Saturday, July 18th 2020, 7:45am

I could easily say league faction p2p gets 5/week, but few only make it endgame :(
Game would be so huge if everyone that ever played, stayed :o


Saturday, July 25th 2020, 3:19am

one faction too strong game end
one guild too strong , game end
no guide, game end
all veteran not interest do low raid, new player cannot progress, game end.


Saturday, July 25th 2020, 9:41pm

all veteran not interest do low raid, new player cannot progress, game end.

1. Level difference in raids is limited.
2. Trying low level raids at low level takes to much effort compared to results.
3. Not completing low level raids doesn't prevent from reaching max level in any way.
4. At max level only 2 raids are not soloable. One of them is to difficult for many (if not most) veterans.


Sunday, July 26th 2020, 12:14am

one faction too strong game end since BGs are mixed it no longer matters
one guild too strong , game end irrelevant for every activity except dominion
no guide, game end game has a lot of guildes and material. there is a good ingame help for basic things. forum answers special questions. you only need to be able to read
all veteran not interest do low raid, new player cannot progress, game end. Raid#1, #2 and #3 are possible even for ungeared new players with little experience. observatory easy raid pops regularly (pay attention to worldchat)


Monday, July 27th 2020, 8:41am

my guild have.about hundred member, and only 5 persen online.
manu is second char, their main char on the top 10 strong guild.
so they rarely online. and do heroic with their main guild.

obs easy not always popup, dont lie.


Monday, July 27th 2020, 8:43am

i play for about 3 month reach 30k gear score . and yes the game is dying thats the fact


Thursday, August 6th 2020, 6:01pm

yeh it's dead
But you got inaf number of zombies to play end game


Friday, August 7th 2020, 5:23pm

my guild have.about hundred member, and only 5 persen online.
manu is second char, their main char on the top 10 strong guild.
so they rarely online. and do heroic with their main guild.
so? of course you will do heroics with strong other players and no with weak ones. people want progress not charity
if you want all that social + groupstuff join a large guild

obs easy not always popup, dont lie.
i play at "odd" times already but still get this raid done every week
pay attention to chat, as i said, its not that hard

i play for about 3 month reach 30k gear score . and yes the game is dying thats the fact

so what does your playstyle / speed has to do with all of that?
if you are a slow player (i am aswell) it is your fault and noone elses
nothing stops you from farming al rihat to get full purple 109% and then farm current player for direct orange drops for half of gear
people tell me the game is dying since i joined like 9 years ago 8o
keep complaining while everyone else enjoys the game...

yeh it's dead
But you got inaf number of zombies to play end game

at least on free server it is not dead at all as everything runs, therer are auctions, conversations, battlegrounds raids and so on

only on subscriptionserver nothing pops plus i never saw any player at all even in novograd / yaskers tower - this seemed dead indeed


Sunday, August 9th 2020, 1:09pm

only on subscriptionserver nothing pops plus i never saw any player at all even in novograd / yaskers tower - this seemed dead indeed

This tells me you haven't updated your knowledge about p2p for the past 2 years.
It IS dead now as all of eu league p2p moved to ru p2p or has quit.
But seriously stop missinforming new players.

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