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Thursday, December 3rd 2020, 8:18am

Regular Customers change

This is hardly a big issue, but I wonder how many people would like to see the broken rune giver at Big Stones change back to the original unicorn. The unicorn is still standing there and having to run into the middle of a bunch of mobs to pick up the rune is pointless and annoying. Even if the mobs can't do any damage to a high level player or mount, the elementals will still disorient anyone. Also, the auto-pathing to get there is stupid. Thoughts?


Sunday, April 4th 2021, 5:54am

mobs can't do any damage to a high level player or mount
This is hardly a big issue, but I wonder how many people would like to see the broken rune giver at Big Stones change back to the original unicorn. The unicorn is still standing there and having to run into the middle of a bunch of mobs to pick up the rune is pointless and annoying. Even if the mobs can't do any damage to a high level player or mount, the elementals will still disorient anyone. Also, the auto-pathing to get there is stupid. Thoughts?
This is hardly a big issue, but I wonder how many people would like to see the broken rune giver at Big Stones change back to the original unicorn. The unicorn is still standing there and having to run into the middle of a bunch of mobs to pick up the rune is pointless and annoying. Even if the mobs can't do any damage to a high level player or mount, the elementals will still disorient anyone. Also, the auto-pathing to get there is stupid. Thoughts?
Most importent info is to check to astral academy after 70-80lv for new eq.


Sunday, April 4th 2021, 8:02am



Posts: 569

Location: Berlin

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its even worse. the elementals knock you of ground and you can end up in the lake with disabled automove forced to manually go back to track.

i wrote about this years ago in a post of an imp complaining about the pathfinding to a runegiver in nezeb... nothing changed on neither side.

i would prefer they change the hut at whitelake in lightwood which the automove loves to go under...
PLS make Tekians playable race. fix shipcanons!

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