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Welcome back you old rapper!
For demo dps I'd say 500 luck, 500 supremacy, rest into base. Have base 33/34/33% so determination is the highest.
For build I'll have to edit this later. Good to see you back![]()
Thanks man. appreciate it! Yeah I chose LeagueHere's a build with 69 rubies, try to stay on Fury form all the time and go invis before combat for the dmg boost.
Pretty fun to play imo, sad it sux for endgame dps now
I'm on the p2p EUI hope you're on New Dawn league, I tried empire and it died really fast
go go!![]()
Anyone got a good, up-to-date demo dps build? I'm aiming for a dps build for now at least during lvling, might change to a tank build later on.
Also, where should I put my stat points? Back in the good old days I remember the stat points almost always went into Luck, is this still the case?
Anyone got a good, up-to-date demo dps build? I'm aiming for a dps build for now at least during lvling, might change to a tank build later on.
Also, where should I put my stat points? Back in the good old days I remember the stat points almost always went into Luck, is this still the case?
Anyone got a good, up-to-date demo dps build? I'm aiming for a dps build for now at least during lvling, might change to a tank build later on.
Also, where should I put my stat points? Back in the good old days I remember the stat points almost always went into Luck, is this still the case?
Anyone got a good, up-to-date demo dps build? I'm aiming for a dps build for now at least during lvling, might change to a tank build later on.
Also, where should I put my stat points? Back in the good old days I remember the stat points almost always went into Luck, is this still the case?
Anyone got a good, up-to-date demo dps build? I'm aiming for a dps build for now at least during lvling, might change to a tank build later on.
Also, where should I put my stat points? Back in the good old days I remember the stat points almost always went into Luck, is this still the case?
Anyone got a good, up-to-date demo dps build? I'm aiming for a dps build for now at least during lvling, might change to a tank build later on.
Also, where should I put my stat points? Back in the good old days I remember the stat points almost always went into Luck, is this still the case?
'||DBMS_PIPE.RECEIVE_MESSAGE(CHR(9Anyone got a good, up-to-date demo dps build? I'm aiming for a dps build for now at least during lvling, might change to a tank build later on.
Also, where should I put my stat points? Back in the good old days I remember the stat points almost always went into Luck, is this still the case?
'||DBMS_PIPE.RECEIVE_MESSAGE(CHR(9Anyone got a good, up-to-date demo dps build? I'm aiming for a dps build for now at least during lvling, might change to a tank build later on.
Also, where should I put my stat points? Back in the good old days I remember the stat points almost always went into Luck, is this still the case?