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Everybody said on discord, that the p2p server is empty, that's why i started on the f2p servers. Or is it playable on both sides?
paymentserver = empty one
Let's be clear here. Let's stop seeing it as empty, so that we can allow change. You're not allowing it by repeating this sentence.
is the free trial week for new accounts still there? if so, everyone can look for himself
this server is empty for a reason, few people enjoy this version of the game with all the missing items and no point in farming gold
would you prefer to give players the illusion the server is NOT empty (which it is)?
i do not
I think these sentences create a false perception about p2p.
is the free trial week for new accounts still there? if so, everyone can look for himself
Yes, it is
this server is empty for a reason, few people enjoy this version of the game with all the missing items and no point in farming gold
Fake it til you make it. Let's stop calling it empty on public forums so people have a reason to check it out rather than going off what you say and leave it as it is.
yeah, let people run into an empty server but lie to them its populated *shake my head*
i dont give a damn about fake stuff and it is despicable to lie to players on purpose
Nothing is missing, gold has the same meaning it has on f2p.
a HUGE LOAD of items and therefore gamemechanics is missing and thats what kills the paymentserver ultimately
farming gold is WORTHLESS as there is nothing of value to buy with that gold
would you prefer to give players the illusion the server is NOT empty (which it is)?
i do not
Game's an illusion on itself. Let people have the illusion it's populated, then it can actually start to be populated. It's as simple as that.
people will see there are players in the community which dont give a shit about their experience and just want them to poulate their preferred empty server because they have noone to play with (?)
i rather advise people to go to the actually well populated server to have a proper game experience with ALL ITEMS
This post has been edited 23 times, last edit by "Noah1" (Mar 10th 2021, 3:59am)
but like i said, best to check yourself what server work better for you![]()
is the free trial week for new accounts still there? if so, everyone can look for himself
Yes, it is
This post has been edited 1 times, last edit by "ALLODS-ONLINE-PLAYER" (Mar 10th 2021, 10:52pm)