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Wednesday, May 12th 2021, 12:33am

New player - LFG

I"m a new player, first time in Allods, long time gamer in all other MMO's like WoW etc.
Now, for the life of me, i can't seem to toggle chat box for some sort of Global chat or find groups to do some group dungeons, got a few BLUE quests wouldn't mind getting some help with.

I probably play weird times compared to you guys, given im' in Australia.
Any tips and help appreciated, i'm a Mage level 11 atm, can't solo level 8 dungeon yet.

NN :)


Wednesday, May 12th 2021, 9:40am

You should get some tutorial quest to meet mercenary and get mercenary contract ability - it allows tu summon mercenary tank, heal and dps npcs to fill group.


Wednesday, May 12th 2021, 10:37am

yep I just found that out later and it made life easier :) thanks


Tuesday, October 25th 2022, 3:58am

Hi and welcome to the game.
I assume you do play on the Evolution server, keep in mind it's basically a European server; and most time-based events and end-game content is done based on the schedules and time zone of the majority of the players base of the server, which is European countries (a bit more on the Empire side compared to League). It's also a 'niche' game, and in the best of "busy" hours there's maybe 250 to 300 players max spread across all levels online at any given point (the Russian version of the game is a lot more populated).
I'm saying all of this because it DOES explain - in large part - why you'll feel "alone" when leveling up in this game. The group content now happens practically only at level cap for end-game content (be it PvE or PvP). The only way to level up in lower level zones and questing with others like you're used to in other MMORPGs (and like it actually used to be also in this game years ago when the population was much higher) is to specifically look for people who are also doing just that, at around the same levels as you (which in itself isn't exactly impossible but is not easy either).
The "best" advice I can give in order to find people to play with to level up is to find a "Leveling Guild". Which is a Guild that is solely used in order to gain a Guild Level Experience Bonus (passive, by simply being in the Guild). Find yourself such an "Exp Guild" for a start so you'll gain I believe around +15% to maybe +20% bonus to your Exp, so at least even if you're solo'ing your content you'll get that extra bonus.

On the Evolution server, I recommend you try to get in the Mortals guild, which I think is lead by Kemost (if memory serves me right). You'll need to speak to either the Guild Leader himself or a Guild Officer in order to receive the Guild invitation.
If that doesn't work (if you never managed to get a Guild Officer for Mortals, for example) then simply go in the Tower (for Empire) or in the main city (Novograd, for League) and ask for an invitation to _any_ Exp Guild in Zone Chat, and keep doing it every now and then until you get an invite; and do it during the "busy" hours of the server. There's usually the highest number of players online between mid day to around 6 or 7 pm (European Time, you could use the CET Time Zone hours for reference (Central European Time).
Hope it helps.


Saturday, December 3rd 2022, 3:58pm

The bots are learning about the game already and its mechanics? I think someone is training AI here :D
Pretty interesting

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