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Monday, January 17th 2022, 2:30am

MRAC.DLL malware detection - Potential new player

Hi there,
I recently discovered that there was a P2P server for Allods Online. I tried the game a while back but didn't like the intrusive cash shop.
Willing to try the P2P for a month, I tried downloading the game only to discover that my Avast Anti-Virus software flags MRAC.DLL as malware. After a little bit of research, I only found another thread here about that anti-cheat file and some weird screenshot policy.
Is this detection new? Is there anyone else getting a malware detection on that file?
Thanks in advance


Monday, January 17th 2022, 3:34am

a moderator promised me the screenshot thing is disabled for us
thats all we have from official side...

only ways to be sure are either reverse engineering, decompiling and analyzing it (and every new version of it) or using some HIPS software to block the anticheat thing from working but still let it run. basically you isolate it and thus render it functionless but itself "thinks" it runs fine. thats how you can bypass ANY "anticheat" nonsense in ANY game

allods actually does not really need an anticheat as all relevant things are serversided / checked anyway so you cant cheat using speedhack speed, items duping or w/e

all other things are intended to be useable data - things like ESP, wallhack and other things are built via addons and everyone uses it so its even
hotkeys / macros are done on hardware-level and doing them with software is not much of a hassle either

all of that is meaningless as in allods things come down to gearscore, if you have a high GS you can beat anyone with mouse only on a wooden PC :rolleyes:

the only thing players can do is building an automatic farmbot or a spambot - both is of little to none relevance but seems to be the primary reason this was added

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