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Tuesday, January 18th 2022, 5:53pm

aiodoi reborn

is it possible to reset an aiodoi reincarnation ?


Tuesday, January 18th 2022, 6:36pm

Greetings CARLAfkv,

Creating "new" Aoidos reinc requires "Aoidos Spark" and this is spent the first time you create Aoido reinc. Unfortunately, it is impossible to get one more Aoidoi Spark in the game.


- You can transform another reincarnation into Aoidos through the "Hall of Change"
- Coremorpher will also allow to change race to Aoidos


Tuesday, September 27th 2022, 11:23am

I had a lot of harvest after seeing this post of yours! Before, I used to play games, this is a fun game for entertainment, but now I will follow you, read your articles will have more knowledge. crossword puzzles


Thursday, October 20th 2022, 4:47am

I also have the same question as you. If that's possible then I really need some guidance


Thursday, December 1st 2022, 8:21am

After reading your post, I had a bumper crop! I used to play games before, and this one is a good one for enjoyment, but now I'll follow you and read your writings so I can learn more.

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