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Thursday, May 19th 2022, 3:23pm

Empire Side

I've purchased yday a 30d subscription to check how the situation going in P2P server and what can i see in empire side is my toon with his shadow and stop. The server is dead? Some1 still play on that side/server?
I'm a lvl 86 and i don't have quest to lvl up more... I don't think i have to grind in the distortion for like 4 full levels to reach the new map.
Thx in advance, bubay.


Saturday, May 21st 2022, 5:07pm

Hi dude!
We're very much playing on Smuggler's Paradise, but empire has fled to the land we don't name here. The leftover players that didn't flee came to league, so now we're all playing together on league.
It's sad that those races are unseen anymore on our server, but the devs made 2 factions very irrelevant and I only see use for them lore wise. Everything PvP wise is mixed, aside for KOE open world PvP. Which there was drama about capturing SOP's anyways XD

So you're welcome on league, or start the empire back up ^^
Here's a sheet of population I'm updating for our server if you're interested.

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