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Tuesday, December 6th 2022, 10:19pm

Differences in tanks

Hey guys, potential returning player. I'm wondering what the different tanks have to offer currently, and if there are any that aren't viable.


Wednesday, December 7th 2022, 5:34pm

Hey Casio!

There are 4 tanks in total.
The Scout, Paladin, Warrior and Demonologist.

Right now, only the paladin is not viable. It's a tank based on how Swiftness USED to work. Swiftness got a change, developers forgot/didn't care about paladin changes and it now can no longer tank properly.
here's how it used to tank, but it's purely nostalgia.

Moving on, we've got the Scout tank.
Scout is like a rogue focussing on dodging.
it's tank mechanic is a timeline where damage between 3% and 120% hp of your max health is delayed into that timeline by (up to) 7s.
With abilities, you can reduce and completely remove damage in that timeline.
Next to that, it has a high dodge chance via Swingout and Smoke Cloud, and frost charm + Will to Live.
Offers medium dps on tank spec.

The Demonologist tank is a fat gorilla tank focussed on CC.
This class has no tank mechanic, aside from having a ton more health than others tanks, and rotating mitigation on top of mitigation after the next mitigation following up on that other mitigation. You catch my drift.
The great perk for the demo tank is Demonic Onslaught which knocks down (stun) ALL mobs during and on impact of the ability. For a crazy 6s, up to 8s stacking Conviction. Cooldown of 12s. You can imagine the great power this tank has.
We usually use one in combo with a Warrior tank in Nihaz Raid to make trash packs ridiculous easy.
Offers low dps on tank spec.
Here is an example: twitch clip expired. Will post if I find one more recent.

Coming to the favorite of many at the time, Warrior.
The warrior tank mechanic is similar to that of the Scout tank, but instead of a timeline, it's a box that fills up with 60% of all incoming damage. That box is holding the damage stored, but drips 10% of the total stored damage every 2s onto the tank. It has a few abilities that reduces the stored damage along with some combo's he can do such as kick, headbutt and charge DURING respite.
A complete guide can be found here.
offers high dps on tank spec.

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