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Friday, March 10th 2023, 10:02pm


Welcome to the Reincarnation guide!
Reincarnations bring many advantages over the traditional alt.
Since many questions rose up on the official discord, I decided to write a page that brings all together about Reincarnations as a whole.
If anything is missing in the guide, please comment them down below so we can expand and keep the information correct and up to date.

You'll learn how to unlock the Reincarnation system, along with the benefits to it.
We'll touch on that mysterious Aoidos Spark you get in your mail that you shouldn't touch until max level :D

We'll explain all the ways to unlock more Reincarnation slots, and how different levelling is as a reincarnation.

That, and much more can all be found here.
Thanks for visiting and hope you learned something :)

This post has been edited 1 times, last edit by "Dragagon" (Mar 12th 2023, 3:37pm)

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