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Thursday, June 5th 2014, 11:42am

Radiant Strongbox of the Mentor

Here you can discuss the news about the Radiant Strongbox Of the Mentor

What do you plan on doing with your extra skill points??
The Sky Is Not The Limit, It Is Only The Genesis Of Dreams.
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Thursday, June 5th 2014, 12:13pm

To be honest... I do not really get it. Why are there events for which you need real money as long as the payment issues are not fixed? I would rather have something like the tropical atoll... :love:

I am sure some people like the current event, but unfortunately I cannot buy anything as long as there are no paysafe-cards allowed.

But nevertheless... good luck for those that can use the strongboxes ;) ;) ;)
I can neither confirm nor deny that this is my signature 8)


Thursday, June 5th 2014, 12:19pm

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