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This post has been edited 2 times, last edit by "sequel2expo" (Jun 13th 2014, 8:04am)
Yeah haha, I know the feelin'. And ofcourse, more hair/face options would be great.I find myself often added by strangers on their lists ,strangers that are not even talking to me afterwards (lol?!) so yes,such thing would be good !And pleeasee! Add some more faces +hairstyle for elfs ...they look out fashioned rly ..![]()
Oh yes, I do too wait. woot!Oh, and the tropical atoll... I wait every day. Hope they will bring it back soon
Haha, I did this too when I first came across these faces and was very disappointed when I didn't find 'em in the Master of Changes.The psi trainer in YT,I saw her face before and tried to search for it in the changing room thing and never found it then I thought it would be a good idea if they included it..It looks kinda Asian which is kinda a good change as for the bard trainer,I never noticed that one..Also do you remember when you saw the face of one of female NPCs in frontier and told me that her face was a unique one as well..You forgot to include this one.
2. Allow players to deny or accept a players friend request. Also, if you remove anyone from your list, you're also removed from their list.
You can change what chats you see on general tab by simply right clicking on the chat button (General, for example). You can even put that you see only your own loot and exp gained if needed. It shouldn't be a problem if you can't see other people's whispers at all![]()
Oooo I like this one. I couldn't remember what I wanted for #7 but I will put this one there now.+ add an option to set online-status to "show as offline"
The problem is, with such a small population like Allods has...once you tell one person about who your reincarnation is, it spreads too fast and then never stays anonymous for long.
on the one hand there is the great option to make anonymous reincarnations
It depends. If someone wants to make trouble, he creates a Psi and camps out by the reinc NPC, and spills the beans directly on the all-Psis chat channel, which gets the information over to the other faction, unless I've missed something important about how the all-Psis channel works.