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Thursday, February 8th 2024, 3:35am

new player problems

I'm translating this from google, so if i have errors i'm sorry, I wanted to play this game, but when I downloaded and started, pops up for me mark some options, only I can not interact with anything, either close it cancels or marks the options, if someone can help me thank you thank me


Thursday, February 8th 2024, 6:04am

Hello Bovicide!

Sounds like you’re playing with a mousepad only! If that’s the case you need to have a mouse to click those options!
Let me know if that helped already!

Greetings! :thumbsup:
Allods Online Discord


Tuesday, November 19th 2024, 11:14pm

i have the same problem i cant mark options to starting game


Wednesday, January 8th 2025, 8:17am

This post by "u_1274839575" (Saturday, January 25th 2025, 5:39am) has been deleted by user "Telisia" (Saturday, January 25th 2025, 11:42am) with the following reason: Spam

This post by "u_1275098176" (Tuesday, February 4th 2025, 10:35am) has been deleted by user "Telisia" (Tuesday, February 4th 2025, 10:39am) with the following reason: spam

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