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I dont wnat play 1 or few weeks and then freak out if this server will be shut down. What is really logic is no one playing, i mean the most important part of mmo is players, no? I dont want play in ghost game.
harder to obtain? like what? and what USELESS damage buff are you talking about?on payserver many items are missing or harder to obtain than on normal server
some important damagebuffs are not available at all
also, you can get everything on normal server with playing only (there is gold / currency exchange!)
however if you STILL like the payserver more, i dont think it will be shut down
it has, according to ppl who play there, only 20 or 25 players in total (?) which never play simultanously
on payserver many items are missing or harder to obtain than on normal server
some important damagebuffs are not available at all
also, you can get everything on normal server with playing only (there is gold / currency exchange!)
however if you STILL like the payserver more, i dont think it will be shut down
it has, according to ppl who play there, only 20 or 25 players in total (?) which never play simultanously
harder to obtain? like what? and what USELESS damage buff are you talking about?
On p2p server, you automatically has 20 stats points (on f2p server you have to pay hundreds of bucks to get 'em, you only have 10 stats points), with 4 people you can easily finish GT and get 42slots bag (it's expensive too on f2p), you don't have to worry about runes anymore, you don't have to worry about extra rubies because u get 'em for free, everything is free, we have 30%exp buff, so when i reached lvl 60 i didn't grinding at all during my lvl up, like someone said on this post, we lvl so much faster, greatness is easier to achieve on this server, mounts are easy to obtain (1.2k of gold is a rhyno, when we reach 60 we have like 25k of gold or more), only stupid people stick with f2p server, we still have the daily pot/elixir quest so idk what damage boost you are talking about that we don't have. we are so much booster than f2p server because of our free advantages like stats/rubies etc.
and we have extra legendary slot earring (because on f2p server we don't start with 2 earrings slots, you have to pay them and it's expensive, and it's rare to find extra legendary slot earring to buy on f2p because it's the cherry of the cake: it's very hard to get one from scamboxes, well, good thing we get this for FREE).
you get everything on regular server with playing only? hahahahahaha well, you may get 'em if you have years of playing and hours of hard farming and no life at all, to obtain gold that you can trade with what? 86g:1cash currency? are you kidding me? just stop talking already allods-online-player because you are so hipocritical on everything that you post on this forum, try to sell your "f2p" server to another person
but i do love this game, simply because its the best MMO on the internet, and that for FREE!
but i do love this game, simply because its the best MMO on the internet, and that for FREE!
Then stop trolling about both server please, i'm getting sick of it . You don't like it that your choice . You think free server is better , that is your OPINION not the same for lots of us. You are a lucky guy cause you bought or you said you bought all your upgrades for free , You're one out of a thousand . That your choice to farm to buy Cs objects . Lots of people coming to play and have fun , not to farm. At your discharge lublur attacked first , even if what you say about pop is false (We're around 40 i'd say)
As for me , once player of f2p , put around 200€ in that game , i'm tired of farming or putting money to get comfort , so i left my 4 year old character and made a new one (pretty much the same) on sub server to enjoy a basic comfort , a balanced pvp (which is not here anymore) , and a more relaxed mentality (People only dislike you cause of your skill and gear , not anymore cause of the cs items you dont have).
So yeah atm i just gave 50€ at gpotato to play. And now enjoying almost three months of free sub server . Had more fun on sub that on f2p and still have. Skill is the main thing that determine if you're good , not time played or Money you pour in cs , And that why i'm still here
how am i trolling? i am honest about what i say
i present the facts to everyone so its obvious what is better
how am i trolling? i am honest about what i say
i present the facts to everyone so its obvious what is better
It may be your honest opinion, but it doesn't mean you're correct. Same point about what you say is "fact" is "better"
We all get it; you haven't had to spend a single penny on this game. You're a master of the auction house. Good for you!
But the average player of this game will end up spending money on the p2w server. Pure and simple. If it were my call, I'd also recommend going to p2p server, especially if you are a new player and can afford €10 per month (when they start charging for subscriptions).
Those extra stat points/Pat5/Rune boost you talk about mean nothing in PvP when you're competing against others on a level playing field. It's just DPS/HPS and if it's balanced, no one should care anymore than that.
due to some comments which are made on the forum new players may get the false impression its impossbile to play free and be on top
its important to say over and over again that a normal (not a casual!) player can do well with just a little effort
i dont see why an average player would end up donating if he does not want to do so....
beside the boosts mean a lot in leveling-pvp...
This post has been edited 2 times, last edit by "Dala" (Jun 16th 2014, 1:31pm)
But, it is impossible to play for free and be "on top". Of course, it depends on what your definition of being "on top" in this game is. For most people, I would say that means to be able to win regularly in PvP events and to raid in the top tier guilds for PvE and be successful (ie. members of the top 5 guilds on the dominion ladder). Have you reached my perceived level of what "on top" is? What is your opinion of being "on top" in this game?
You are correct here. But, tell me; what sort of hours do you think a "normal" player should put into the game?
Very good point here. Everyone needs to remember they are only making a donation to and not buying anything of intrinsic value. So, would you prefer to pay €10 per month and not have to buy anything else for the game or pay €10 per month and possibly have to pay some more to get the mount/earring slot/pat5/lvl10 runes you always wanted etc etc etc?(I am talking generally and not about your situation in particular).
What you mean by "levelling pvp"? If you mean the XP you get from killing another player, then it's just standard pvp and my point from my last post stands. If the pvp between similarly geared chars is balanced (as it is in the p2p server), then this does not matter.
To my perception there seems to be four kinds of player:
(A) Has lots of time to spend, but little money.
(B) Has lots of money to spend, but little time.
(C) Has lots of both money and time to spend.
and (theoretically)
(D) Has little money and little time.
although I am not sure if the (D) type is real, if someone falls into that group - they're doing something seriously wrong with their life.
Having played on both servers I can confidently say this:
Player (A) should definitely go p2p server, player (B) should definitely go f2p server and player (C) can go either one and be very successful.
Player (D) (if it really exists) should obviously get to fixing their life and turn to either (A), (B), or (C).
Edit: Know that only player (C) has the real freedom to make a choice. For the other types, if they choose wrong, they will both experience frustration (albeit for much different reasons): (A) that he can never farm enough to compete with (B)s on the f2p, and (B) that he can never catch up gear-wise to compete with (A)s on the p2p.
This game model is actually wickedly awesome in my opinion.
2, 3, 4 and 5 would not be possible at payserver
And you don't need all the other crap when everyone is on the same level as you.
but Coremorpher don't cost this much so it's okay.
Greatness help you handle 90% of situations
try again
Finally i understood why you don't like sub server : Cause even if you farm , even if you get luck in events you can't have major advantages over the rest of the community like you currently have on f2p
This post has been edited 2 times, last edit by "ALLODS-ONLINE-PLAYER" (Jun 17th 2014, 3:13pm)